To assist you in the proper management of your responsibilities as a PI, it might be helpful to have the following definitions.
An individual involved with the PI on the scientific development or execution of a project. A Co-I typically devotes a specified percentage of time to the project and is considered “key personnel.” He/She does not affect the PI’s roles and responsibilities.
Non-expendable item having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more.
Key Personnel
Individuals identified by the PI who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way. “No effort” or “as needed” is not an acceptable level of involvement for key personnel.
PI/Program Director/Project Director
Individual designated by UTMB to direct the project or activity being supported by the grant. He/She is responsible and accountable to UTMB for the proper conduct of the project or activity.
Program Income
Gross income earned by the grantee that is directly generated by the grant-supported project or activity, or earned as a result of the award.
Program Official
The sponsor official responsible for the programmatic, scientific, and/or technical aspects of a grant. This person is your advocate within the sponsor organization.
Research Misconduct
Fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reporting research or results.
Terms and Conditions of Award
All legal requirements imposed on a grant by the sponsor, whether based on statute, regulation, policy or other documentation referenced in the grant award, document itself.