Skip Menu Research Administration Home OSP Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Development GCA Grants and Contracts Accounting Award Management Award Compliance OCR Office of Clinical Research (OCR) OCR Contacts Research Coordinator Support Services Standard Operating Procedures ROLE Research Outreach, Learning & Engagement Required Training Federal Training Resources Research Training Hub Learning Library On Demand Training RADS Research Analytics, Data and Systems (RADS) Meet the Team Award Setup Reporting Research Systems Definitions OSRD Office of Strategic Research Development About Us Proposal Development & Management Workshops and Events Funding Opportunities Limited Submissions Grant Library FAIR Research SystemsSelect the tab with your role to see what systems you need, and how to obtain access. Work with the corresponding team in Research Administration if you have any questions. PreAward/Proposal Development PostAward/Grants Management Effort Coordinator Clinical Research Coordinator Other Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of TexasSystem to search for funding through the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas, and to complete the application for funding. Users must register for an account via the website.User Guides and TemplatesPrevention OpportunitiesAcademic Research Programs ERA CommonsThe federal website built to support your grants management journey. You will use this to communicate with your funding agency, submit Just-In-Time information, Progress Reports and other key reports and data to the sponsor.Work with your PreAward analyst to obtain an eRA Commons account if you do not already have one.User GuidesUser GuideSubmit JITSubmitting RPPRSubmitting Prior Approval Request FDP Clearing HousePublicly available website that provides online organizational profiles containing entity-based information needed by pass-through entities when they are issuing subawards or monitoring their subrecipient entities.No special log-in neededUser GuidesSearching the FDP Clearing HouseGrants.govThe federal website for grants, including finding funding opportunities, applying for awards with specific agencies, tips on grant writing and grant management.You should register and create an account for full access to the site. User GuidesRegister in Grants.govSubmitting in Online Help Guide InfoEd Sponsored Projects and SubAwards ModulesInfoEd Sponsored Projects is a collaborative workspace shared by the PI, department grants administrator and OSP. It has built in error-checking similar to assist, but this is the only system UTMB now uses for sponsored project submissions. Regardless of your sponsor, you will complete your award submission through InfoEd. A Tivoli request is required, and you must complete training based on your role. Department grants administrator must attend a live training, and PIs have an online course in Learn. User GuidesLog In to InfoEdAssign a DelegateCustomize Your Home ScreenEdit Your ProfileNavigating the Sponsored Projects ModuleIntent to SubmitSystem-to-System Submission (PI)System-to-System Submission (Administrator)Adding a Subaward to a SubmissionManual Submission (Administrator)Manual Submission (PI)PI and Chair ApprovalsResponding to a Just-In-Time RequestWhen the NOA ArrivesReview & Approve Incoming SubAwardRequest Initiation of Outgoing SubAwardOutgoing SubAward Draft Approvals Login.govA government site to create a unified login account that will be connected to Commons, Assist and GuidesCreating an Account NIH Grants & FundingThe NIH resource for all things grant-related. TASKTAB/SECTIONLearn about grants, grants management and how to applyAbout GrantsFind funding opportunities at the NIHFundingKnow the current policies, see policy updatesPolicy & ComplianceRead NIH News, find notices and updatesNews & EventsNo special access or login required OnCoreOnCore is the UTMB clinical trials management system. Use it to initiate a study for IRB submission and review.A Tivoli request and training is needed for access. Self-assign the online training by following these instructions. Ask your trusted requestor to send the Tivoli request for access BEFORE you've completed training. Visit the OnCore Training website for information. User GuidesHow to submit a new studyHow to Self-Assign OnCore Training in UTMB Learn -Subject ManagementWhich OnCore Training Do I Need?Required Field Descriptions for Protocol CreationProtocol Types DefinedSubject Management Step-by-Step GuideHow to Setup My WidgetsOnCore Subject Management Training Slides (must still complete online training) PeopleSoft FRPDUTMB financial management system. All sponsored projects have accounts in PeopleSoft. TASKTAB/SECTIONVerify salary during RPPR and proposal reviewsJob & Employment DataDetermine the unobligated amounts when reviewing RPPRAward DetailGather information related to the CON when processing NOAAward ProfileSearch for CONSAward InventoryYou will need a Tivoli request for access.User GuidesVerify SalaryCalculate an Unobligated BalanceHow to Retrieve NOA informationSearch for CONS Proposal CentralA web site for investigators to search for funding, get credit for their contributions, and realize the full potential of their scientific efforts.A login is required to access funding search.User GuidesCreating a User AccountHow to Create an ApplicationHow To Manage Your Award in the SystemHow to Add Your Publications to Your ProfileHow to Add Other Support to Your Profile PubMed.govThis is the federal library of biomedical literature. It comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature. Use it to ensure the PI MyNCBI profile is accurate and current, and make updates. Also use it to search for other citations and references.Use your, eRA Commons account to access.User GuidesPubMed User Guide SAM.govThe System for Award Management site where you can look up institutional information.You will need to create a user profile to search for entity information.User GuidesCreating an AccountSearching Entity RegistrationsSearching Entity ExclusionsEntity Exclusions QuickStart Guide Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting SystemThe official federal website for people who make, receive and manage federal contract awards. Use this to search for evaluations of potential subcontractors/subawardees.User GuidesCPARS Learning Center eRA CommonsThe federal website built to support your grants management journey. You will use this to communicate with your funding agency, to submit forms via xTrain, and to submit and other key reports and data to the sponsor.Work with your PreAward analyst to obtain an eRA Commons account if you do not already have one. User GuidesUser GuideXTrain Excel - EPM SmartViewUse EPM SmartView to access various queries for reporting analysis. Data feeds from PeopleSoft. Federal Audit Clearing HouseOperates on behalf of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to distribute single audit reporting packages to federal agencies, support OMB oversight and assessment of federal award audit requirements, and publish a searchable database of completed audits. Use the link here to search for a sponsor's annual audit.No log in or special access is needed. Grants.govThe federal website for grants, including finding funding opportunities, applying for awards with specific agencies, tips on grant writing and grant management.You should register and create an account for full access to the site. NIH Grants & FundingThe NIH resource for all things grant-related. TASKTAB/SECTIONLearn about grants, grants management and how to applyAbout GrantsKnow the current policies, see policy updatesPolicy & ComplianceRead NIH News, find notices and updatesNews & EventsNo special access or login required OBIEEUTMB system to run reports from PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM).Tivoli request is needed for access.User GuidesOBIEE Navigation PeopleSoft FRPDUTMB financial management system. All sponsored projects have accounts in PeopleSoft. TASKTAB/SECTIONVerify salary during RPPR and proposal reviewsJob & Employment DataDetermine the unobligated amounts when reviewing RPPRAward DetailGather information related to the CONAward ProfileSearch for CONSAward InventoryDetermine the budget, expenses, encumbrances, remaining balances for awardAward DetailGather CFS for projectFRS Acct to PS CF’s CrosswalkYou will need a Tivoli request for access.User GuidesAward ProfileAward DetailAward InventoryProject DetailFRS Account to PeopleSoft CrosswalkPeopleSoft Access to General Ledger PubMed.govThis is the federal library of biomedical literature. It comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature. Use it to ensure the PI MyNCBI profile is accurate and current, and make updates. Also use it to search for other citations and references.Use your, eRA Commons account to access.User GuidesPubMed User Guide ECRTThe UTMB electronic effort reporting system. Effort Coordinators use this to review and process effort cards, and monitor the effort reporting process. Also the system of record for salary related cost-sharing.You can use the reporting function in ECRT to:See cards where certified effort is not equal to computed effortSee effort card by reporting periodVerify payrollA Tivoli request and training is required for access.User GuidesAccess ECRT from Any DeviceUnbalanced Card ReportView Historical Effort Steps for Manual CertificationHow to Add Funding to an Effort Card OBIEEUTMB system to run reports from PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM).Tivoli request is needed for access.User GuidesOBIEE Navigation PeopleSoftTASKSECTION/TABReview end datesFMS Grants ModuleSee the budget tableHCM DatamartSee project end dateHCM Funding Source InformationReview DBR statusHCM Manager Self Service Transactions StatusReview DR statusHCM Job and Personal InformationA Tivoli request is required for access. User GuidesHow to Generate a Department Budget Table HistoryDBR Submission User Manual EpicUse Epic to review study charges and ensure billing compliance. You also want to import research studies into Epic.A Tivoli request and training is required for access.User GuidesRegister a SubjectAdding a Notice of Research Participation FYI FlagCreating an HOVRegistering a Study Patient in an HOVLinking a Research Study to an EncounterGreenphire ClinCardUse for studies that include reimbursement to study participants. For information, visit the UTMB Greenphire website.User GuidesClinCard Reference Guide InfoEd Human Subjects ModuleThe UTMB system for any studies under IRB review. Use this for all communications with the IRB related to your clinical study, including but not limited to initial submissions, continuing reviews, protocol deviations and adverse events.A Tivoli request is required. If coordinators are working on behalf of a PI, the PI must delegate permissions within the system.User GuidesHow to Log inGeneral NavigationHow to Customize Your Home ScreenProtocol NavigationSubmission NavigationWorking with SubmissionsRespond to Change RequestEdit Existing ProtocolAssign a Delegate OnCoreOnCore is the UTMB clinical trials management system. Use it to initiate a study for IRB submission and review.A Tivoli request and training is needed for access. Self-assign the online training by following these instructions. Ask your trusted requestor to send the Tivoli request for access BEFORE you've completed training. Visit the OnCore Training website for information. User GuidesHow to submit a new studyHow to Self-Assign OnCore Training in UTMB Learn - Subject ManagementWhich OnCore Training Do I Need?Required Field Descriptions for Protocol CreationProtocol Types DefinedProtocol Creation & Subject Management Step-by-Step GuideHow to Setup My WidgetsOnCore Subject Management Training Slides (must still complete online training) Other systems that might be usefulBioRenderBioRender is a critical tool in the development of high quality scientific illustrations for manuscripts, presentations, dissertations and other publications.If you already have a subscription to BioRender, follow these instructions to cancel it and take advantage of the UTMB campus license. If you used your email for that account, you can login at the UTMB portal. If you did not use your and want to link your current account with your UTMB account, please contact BioRender Support. CayuseCayuse is the system research teams use to order lab animals. Training is required; register for an available class online. A Tivoli request is required. EHS AssistantEnvironmental Health & Safety (EHS) Assistant is an environmental health & safety management database that is available online to researchers and staff within the UTMB community. EHSA is user friendly and provides several compliance features such as employee training tracking, chemical inventory management, and web-based response to safety audit deficiencies. The program is web based. You must request and be granted access to the system by EHS.Your UTMB username and password allow access to the system. You must be on the UTMB network or connected using VPN if off-campus in order to access EHS Assistant.Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers to use with the system.**See information online. QuestionProQuestionPro is a comprehensive survey tool that enables the user to design surveys from scratch or use templates, brand those surveys for UTMB use, and add graphics and logic. Analytics offers a variety of default reports, or you can customize your report. To gain access, your Trusted Requestor needs to submit a Tivoli request. RedCapREDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.Learn more about REDCap by watching a brief summary video (4 min). If you would like to view other quick video tutorials of REDCap in action and an overview of its features, please see the Training Resources page.Please note that any publication that results from a project utilizing REDCap should cite grant support (Clinical and Translational Science Award (UL1TR001439) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health).If you require assistance or have any questions about REDCap, please contact Khanh Bingham. SciShieldSciShield is the Research Management Platform for the UTMB Biosafety Program.Access is strictly limited to users associated with UTMB. All access is monitored and logged. Please contact your health and safety team, principal investigator, or lab manager and request that you are added as a group member in SciShield. Until this is completed, your access in SciShield may be limited.If you are in a lab or other group that permits self-registration, follow the registration instructions on the SciShield homepage. TriNetXTriNetX at UTMB HEALTH provides researchers the ability to explore a limited, de-identified set of patient data. This tool is most useful for identification of patient cohorts in preparation for research.TriNetX is the global health research network enabling healthcare organizations, biopharma and contract research organizations (CROs) to collaborate, enhance trial design, accelerate recruitment and bring new therapies to market faster.Look over the TriNetX website and to learn about its capabilities.Any principal investigator, study team, or individual can request access to TrinNetX online.See the information page for details. Research Quick Find Tool Research Experts Funding Institutional infoEd OnCore PeopleSoft ECRT