Research Administration

Natalia GlubiszUTMB Research Administration implements service-oriented processes and a strong infrastructure to support our rapidly growing research programs. We continuously work to  ensure the development of a comprehensive research infrastructure that strengthens and streamlines key functional areas, supporting individual researchers, departments, and schools, while advancing excellent client service for research faculty with operational efficiency, while fostering a culture of informed, self-directed compliance with institutional, federal, and sponsor regulations.

Natalia Glubisz, MHA, CRA

Associate Vice President, Research Administration

Research Administration Announcements



FY25 Fringe Benefit Rates Updated

There are new fringe benefit rates for FY25. InfoEd and budget templates have been updated to reflect these changes. You can find details about the new rates on the Budget Guidelines website. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Devino or Erika LeGros.

Notice the new fringe rate is a single rate and not based on a salary scale. HR has been moving in this direction for a couple of years and recently received approval to move to a single fringe rate for all full-time staff, and a different fringe rate for part-time staff and students. 

Grant administrators wondering about PIs who were in the 14 and 19 percent bands before and how this affects the salaries charged to grants. Simple answer, it doesn't. Those PIs do not suddenly begin charging grants at 28.33 percent. The fringe rate is a budgeting tool to estimate the amount of funds needed to cover the anticipated fringe benefits. However, the grant will always be charged the actual fringe benefits associated with an individual's salary charged to the grant.