Confidentiality Disclosure Agreements, Clinical Trials Contracting and Financials

OCR master

    • All CDAs are processed centrally through OCR
    • Submit all CDAs via email to
    • CDAs processed within 24-48 hours of receipt
    • CDAs require signature of the Institutional Signatory
    • Principal Investigators should not sign CDAs
    • CTAs are processed centrally through OCR
    • CTAs must be uploaded into OnCore via a complete study packet (protocol, budget template, contract template, informed consent template & Study Submission Form).  Once a complete study packet is submitted, the contract processing will move into a work queue.
    • Master agreements are used whenever possible
    • Metric timelines are tracked via OnCore
    • CTAs require signature of Institutional Signatory
  • The Office of Clinical Research (OCR) has centralized the financial activities for industry sponsored clinical trials research including:
    • Medicare Coverage Analysis
    • Budget development and negotiation with sponsors
    • Calendar Building/Budget Milestone Builds in OnCore
    • Study Invoicing
    • Study Account Reconciliation