Morning Sessions (Updates, Brain Health, and Public Health)
Afternoon Sessions (Keynote and Collaboration&Entrepreneurship)
Research Update
Randall Urban, MD
Vice President and Chief Research Officer
Legislative update
Lauren Sheer
Assistant Vice President, Legislative Affairs
Keynote Speaker
An Unprecedented Time for Reaching Policymakers and the Public About Science and Technology
Jenny Luray, MPA
Vice President of Strategy & Communications, Research!America
Brain Health Panel
The Mitchell Center: A hub for neurodegenerative disease research and drug discovery at UTMB
Giulio Taglialatela, PhD (facilitator)
The Lawrence J. Del Papa Distinguished Chair in Neurodegenerative Disease Research
The Center for Addiction Research: Research Solutions for a Healthy Brain
Jonathan Hommel, PhD
Associate Professor, Pharmacology & Toxicology
Brain Health Research in the Department of NCBA
Ping Wu, MD, PhD
Professor, Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Anatomy
Promoting Brain Health Through Rehabilitation Sciences
David Brown, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Senior Vice President and Dean, School of Health Professions
Collaboration & Entrepreneurship
Collaboration & Entrepreneurship
Massoud Motamedi, PhD
Chief Bioengineering & Biotechnology Innovations Officer
Lab to Launch: From University Research to a Startup Venture
Steve Guengerich, MBA
Associate Vice President for Innovation and Commercialization, UT Dallas
BioHouston: Building the Life Science Future
Ann Tanabe
Chief Executive Officer, BioHouston, Inc.
Public Health Panel (see morning video)
How is UTMB strengthening our campus through our Public Health infrastructure to improve health outcomes as well as respond to future pandemics
M. Kristen Peek, PhD (facilitator)
Professor and Interim Chair, Preventive Medicine and Population Health
Janet Southerland, DDS, MPH, PhD (facilitator)
Vice President, Interprofessional Education, Institutional Effectiveness and Health Education Center
Overview of EID Centers, Infectious Disease Basic Science Research, Galveston National Lab
Scott Weaver, MS, PhD
John Sealy Distinguished University Chair in Human Infections and Immunity
Intersection of Clinical Research, Provision of Care, and Implementation of Public Health Initiatives
Susan McLellan, MD, PhD
Professor, Infectious Diseases and Medical Director, Biocontainment Treatment Unit
Vaccine Research and Future Plans
Richard Rupp, MD
Director of Clinical Trial and Clinical Research, Sealy Institute for Vaccine Sciences
Proposed School of Public Health Role – Public Health and the Pandemic
Cara Pennel, DrPH, MPH
Associate Professor, Preventive Medicine and Population Health
John Prochaska, DrPH, MPH
Associate Professor, Preventive Medicine and Population Health
M. Kristen Peek, PhD
Professor and Interim Chair, Preventive Medicine and Population Health
Future and Proposed Center for Pandemic Preparedness
James LeDuc, PhD
Director (retired) Galveston National Lab