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NIH Salary Cap Raised - New Salary Cap Announced

Feb 2, 2021, 13:43 PM by Melodi Moore

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The Office of Personnel Management has raised the Executive Level II salary cap to $199,300 effective January 3, 2021.

For awards issued in those years that were restricted to Executive Level II (see Salary Cap Summary (FY 1990–Present), including competing awards already issued in FY2021, if adequate funds are available in active awards, and if the salary cap increase is consistent with the institutional base salary, grantees may rebudget to accommodate the current Executive Level II salary level. However, no additional funds will be provided to these grant awards.

In order to reduce administrative burden for effort reporting, monthly certification dates of 12/1/20 to 2/28/21, the new rate would become effective in ECRT on March 1, 2021.

Salary caps are governed under the Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2021, (Public Law No. 116-260) (NOT-OD-21-057), which restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale.

Questions about the new salary cap should be directed to your Pre-Award Analyst.

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