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ATTENTION: JSMEF Data Acquisition Applicants FAQ

Feb 11, 2020, 11:33 AM by Melodi Moore
The John Sealy Data Acquistion Grant was announced here in this Blog post on January 17, 2020.  The grant is due on February 18, 2020 by close of business.  Since the announcement there have been a few questions that we feel should be shared with those who may be applying for the Pilot funds.

Will this grant have more than one call per year? 
John Sealy DA grants are usually advertised only once a year.

When I Google John Sealy Data Acquistion Grant or search for it through the UTMB search engine, I come across forms from previous years.  Do I use those for my 2020 submission?
No.  The 2020 submission process includes only three steps, plus submission.  They are as follows:

Application Instructions

  1. OSP proposal routing form: An Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Routing form must accompany all intramural research grant applications (copies of this form are available at the OSP web page:
  2. Assemble the grant application (Two pages maximum)

    Title and type of the project (e.g. R01, R21) for which data will be acquired.

    1. Names, affiliation, and expertise of the PI and collaborators as relevant to proposal.
    2. Specific aims of the project that is planned, and the agency to which it is being sent.
    3. A description of how the proposed data acquisition project will strengthen the proposed research application.
    4. Requested budget and proposed use of funds. Personnel costs are not allowed.
  3. A list of cited literature (Please keep it brief and relevant).

Grant Submission:  The principal investigator is requested to submit proposal in a single pdf file by email to Ms. Erika LeGros (E: Please name your file as Last Name-Data acquisition

Do I need to provide biosketches
No. This is a simple, internal process.  Salary support/personnel costs are not part of the grant so biosketches are not necessary with the application. 

Do I need to provide letters of support?
Considering the small budget, any expense outside UTMB needs to be strongly justified. 

I received internal Pilot Grant funding from another UTMB entity, am I still eligible to apply for JSME DA funding?
You are welcome to apply, but preference will be given to those who are currently not funded by other intramural monies. 

Any and all other questions should be relayed to Erika LeGros, Research Operations Manager.

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