The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent
research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level. Candidates must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
- Hold a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine, or a related field.
- Cannot have been appointed as a assistant professor at any institution prior to June 13, 2018 whether or not such appointment was tenured-track.
- Please note that the eligibility criteria above have been temporarily expanded to account for COVID-related lab shutdowns. Please direct any questions to the program office at scholarsapp@pewtrusts.org.
- Full-time tenured-track Assistant Professor on or after September 8, 2022.
- $75,000/year for 4 years ($300,000)
- Non-US citizen must be legally employed at a United States degree granting or research institution
- Funding from the NIH, other government sources, and project grants from nonprofit associations do not pose a conflict with the Pew scholars program.
Internal Deadline: May 2, 2022 by 5:00 pm
edited April 8, 2022 to extend internal deadline to COB Monday
The Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research supports assistant professors of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of a cure for cancer. This program is distinct from the Pew Scholars Program, and it follows a different, but
parallel set of guidelines and procedures for nominating an applicant whose research is related to cancer. Candidates must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
- Hold a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine, or a related field.
- Cannot have been appointed as a assistant professor at any institution prior to June 13, 2018 whether or not such appointment was tenured-track.
- Please note that the eligibility criteria above have been temporarily expanded to account for COVID-related lab shutdowns. Please direct any questions to the program office at Pew-Stewart@pewtrusts.org.
- Must hold a full-time tenured track Assistant Professor as of September 1, 2022.
- Demonstrate outstanding promise as a contributor in science relevant to the field of cancer
- $75,000/year for 4 years ($300,000)
- Non-US citizen must be legally employed at a United States degree granting or research institution.
- Awardee must attend an Annual Meeting held in March of each year.
- Funding from the NIH, other government sources, and project grants from nonprofit associations do not pose a conflict with the Pew scholars program.
Internal Deadline: May 2, 2022 by 5:00 pm
Candidates meeting eligibility requirements can only apply for one (1) Pew opportunity.
edited April 8, 2022 to extend internal deadline to COB Monday
Internal Applications
Please submit the following documentation in a single PDF file via email to Melodi Moore mdmoore@utmb.edu with the Pew opportunity for which you are applying listed as
the subject line.
- Grant Proposal (two-page maximum) to include:
- Title of project
- PI name, title, department, institution, email (and cooperating institutions if called for)
- Abstract of up to 500 words
- Timeline including milestones for the funding period
- Letter from the Department verifying eligibility
- Biosketch for the PI
- Brief list of relevant cited literature
- Letter from Department stating start date of Appointment as Asst. Professor – Tenure Track
- Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Routing form
An Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Routing form must accompany all intramural research grant applications (copies of this form are available at the OSP web page: https://research.utmb.edu/sponsored-programs/proposal-forms.
This form is necessary because many of the Limited Submission grants are submitted directly through a portal after acceptance of the nominee without OSP involvement. This allows OSP to know the grant may be coming.