CPRIT has funding that is currently open (deadline October 5) and funding that will open soon (deadline January 27). Please note that certain mechanisms that are due in January are subject to institutional limits. The procedure and deadlines for these mechanisms are included at the end of the post.
Opportunities with October 5, 2020 Deadlines
Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
This award mechanism seeks to support the coordination and expansion of evidence based services to prevent cancer in underserved populations who do not have adequate access to cancer prevention interventions and health care, bringing together networks of public health and community partners to carry out programs tailored for their communities. Projects should identify cancers that cause the most burden in the community and use evidence-based models shown to work in similar communities to prevent and control these cancers.
Initial Expansion: up to $2M over 36 months
Maintenance Expansion: up to $2.5M over 60 months
Recruitment of Established Investigators
Recruits outstanding senior research faculty with distinguished professional careers and established cancer research programs to academic institutions in Texas.
Award: Up to $6 million over a period of five years.
Recruitment of First-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Members
Supports very promising emerging investigators, pursuing their first faculty appointment in Texas, who have the ability to make outstanding contributions to the field of cancer research.
Award: Up to $2 million up to a period of five years.
Recruitment of Rising Stars
Recruits outstanding early-stage investigators to Texas, who have demonstrated the promise for continued and enhanced contributions to the field of cancer research.
Award: Up to $4 million over a period of five years.
Research Training Awards
Supports applications for integrated institutional research training programs to support promising individuals who seek specialized training in the area of cancer research. Successful applicant institutions are expected to provide trainees with broad access to research opportunities across disciplinary lines and to maintain high standards for intellectual rigor and creativity.
Award: Up to $800,000 per year in total costs; Maximum duration: 5 years.
Opportunities with January 27, 20201 Deadlines
Clinical Trials Network Award
The Clinical Trials Network Award will be made to a institution, organization, or physician group with an established clinical trials infrastructure and clinical trials portfolio to develop and oversee a network of two cancer care facilities that currently lack access to clinical trials (stage 1). Once an initial network is satisfactorily demonstrated, the Lead Institution will be eligible to expand its network to two additional facilities located outside its current catchment (stage 2).
Award: Up to $600,000 annually for stage 1 and up to $900,000, annually for stage 2. Maximum duration: 4 years.
Core Facility Support Awards
Solicits applications from institutions to establish or enhance core facilities (laboratory, clinical, population-based, or computer-based) that will directly support cancer research programs to advance knowledge of the causes, prevention, and/or treatment of cancer or improve quality of life for patients with and survivors of cancer.
***Institutions may submit 2 applications provided that 1 exclusively supports childhood cancer research.
Award: Up to $4,000,000 (total costs); Maximum duration: 5 years.
Early Clinical Investigator Award
Solicits applications from institutions to provide cancer physicians within the first 3 years of a faculty appointment as an assistant professor the opportunity to develop clinical research skills and to gain experience in advanced methods and experimental approaches needed to become successful clinical investigators. The award will protect time from clinical responsibilities to allow the early clinical investigator to develop and conduct investigator initiated clinical trials and to establish a partnership with a laboratory-based collaborator in order to design and conduct correlative studies needed to interpret the outcome of an interventional trial. The overall goal of this mechanism is to increase the pool of clinical investigators at Texas academic institutions who are conducting patient-oriented studies, capitalizing on basic discoveries and translating them through conduct of innovative clinical trials involving cancer patients or individuals at risk for cancer.
***Institutions may submit up to 2 applications.
Award: Up to $1,500,000 (total costs); Maximum duration: 5 years.
High-Impact/High-Risk Research Awards
Provides short-term funding to explore the feasibility of high-risk projects that, if successful, would contribute major new insights into the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancers.
***Institutions may submit up to 5 applications
Award: Up to $250,000 (total costs); Maximum duration: 2 years.
Texas Clinical Trials Participation Program Award
Solicits applications targeting projects to increase the number and diversity of subjects participating in therapeutic cancer clinical trials in Texas by removing non-clinical out of pocket costs as barriers to participation in cancer clinical trials for financially burdened subjects.
***Institutions or organizations conducting clinical trials are restricted to 1 application.
Award: Up to $1,500,000 (total costs); Maximum duration: 3 years.
Texas Regional Excellence in Cancer Award
Solicits applications to strengthen cancer research at institutions located in regions of Texas that have historically received low levels of peer reviewed cancer research funding. This mechanism is open to Texas institution whose
campus is located > 100 mi from an NCI Designated Cancer Center. The award will support an established investigator to lead a program with a cohesive theme relevant to the cancer problems of the region and 3 to 5 research projects. In addition, funds maybe requested to support recruitment of new junior faculty, shared resources, and partnerships with established Texas cancer research programs to provide mentorship and access to facilities or expertise.
Award: Up to $6,000,000 (total costs); Maximum duration: 5 years
***Per the UTMB Limited Submission policy, those who would like to submit proposals for limited submissions, need to follow the procedures listed below:
The following documentation should be submitted to Melodi Moore, Research Services Research Development Specialist (mdmoore@utmb.edu) by 5:00 pm September 20. Please put "PI last name_CPRIT_Name of Award" in the subject line.
Grant Proposal (two-page maximum) to include:
- Title of project
- PI name, title, department, institution, email (and cooperating institutions if called for)
- Abstract of up to 500 words
- Timeline including milestones for the funding period
Biosketch for the PI
Brief list of relevant cited literature
Routing form: An Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Routing form must accompany all intramural research grant applications (copies of this form are available at the OSP web page: https://research.utmb.edu/sponsored-programs/proposal-forms.
All competitive applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of acceptance and rejection no later than COB, October 5, 2020. If the institutional limit is not reached, applicants will be notified to submit applications before this date.