Antonio Bianco, MD, PhD
Vice President & Vice Provost, Research
Chief Research Officer

UTMB Research
Creating the Future of Healthcare



Strategic Research Plan

The Strategic Research Plan, which is used by leadership to  develop a path forward through goals, objectives and tactics, has broad input. It includes six integrated health communities that bring together researchers, educators, clinicians and community members to use prevention and treatment to transform illness to health. Read more.

$303 million in awarded funding
Lab Space
Awards Processed
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From the UTMB Newsroom


New IACUC Policy 30 Posted

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) has recently approved a new policy (Policy #30) regarding animal activities that may or may not require an animal protocol.

 In summary:

  • If the proposed activities do not fall under the criteria/requirements outlined in Sections A or B of the policy, the Principal Investigator (PI) must complete and submit a Determination form (the link to the form is provided in Section C of the policy) to the IACUC office.
  • The IACUC office will communicate the response to the determination form to the PI via email.
  • If the response indicates that an animal protocol is required, the PI must (1) submit an animal protocol in InfoED and (2) obtain IACUC approval before commencing any activities with live vertebrate animals.

Review the full policy.