Antonio Bianco MD, PhD

Antonio Bianco, MD, PhD
Vice President & Vice Provost, Research
Chief Research Officer

UTMB Research
Creating the Future of Healthcare



Strategic Research Plan

The Strategic Research Plan, which is used by leadership to  develop a path forward through goals, objectives and tactics, has broad input. It includes six integrated health communities that bring together researchers, educators, clinicians and community members to use prevention and treatment to transform illness to health. Read more.

Research Funding
Awards Processed
Lab Space
See more research facts and figures online



New Research Consent Form Templates

The Institutional Review Board has posted updated research consent form templates and new detailed drafting guidance.

Designed with updated instructions and a newly designed key information section, these templates ensure clarity and compliance for both researchers and participants. Enhance transparency with our user-friendly and informative forms.

The new documents can be found at on the IRB  Forms Page.

From the UTMB Newsroom