Upcoming Events
Keck Seminar, Friday, Nov. 12, 4:00
Ana Maria Cardenas, Microbiology R&D Senior Manager at Becton Dickinson (BD), presents “From Local to Global Impact with a Non-Linear Career.” This talk is part of the Innovation & Diversity in Biomedical Science Seminar Series. Upcoming speakers include Dima Suki, MDA (Nov. 19), and Julian Hurdle, IBT (Dec. 3). Seminars are held Fridays, 4-5 pm CST. To receive the Keck Seminar weekly reminders and Zoom login information, please contact Glueck@rice.edu or join our Keck Seminar listserv. Keck Seminar Schedule
Save the Date: IDDD Roundtable Workshop: RNA Therapeutics, Nov. 11
Confirmed speakers: John Cooke, Houston Methodist Research Institute; Joel Maslow, GeneOne Life Science. Panelists: Roman Sukhovershin, HMRI; Francesca Taraballi, HMRI; and Dan Kiss, HMRI. 3:30-5:00 pm CST. Registration
GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Conference, Nov. 30
Confirmed speakers include: Werner Braun, UTMB; Josephine Chu Ferreon, BCM; Sherry Gao, Rice Univ.; Yang Gao, Rice Univ.; Joshua Mendell, UT Southwestern; Monte Pettit, UTMB; Robert Raphael, Rice Univ.; Michael Sheetz, UTMB; Marvin Tanenbaum, Hubrecht Institute; Yuhong Wang, Univ. of Houston. BioScience Research Collaborative Conference Website Registration
Register Now: Research Mentor Training Workshop for Postdocs and PhD Research Staff, Dec. 8
This in-person 6-hour workshop covers topics including maintaining effective communication, aligning expectations, promoting self-efficacy, addressing equity and inclusion, promoting professional development and fostering independence. It is ideal for postdocs and PhD researchers who mentor younger students in the lab or who are beginning to transition to their own labs. Registration
AI Coding Fundamentals for Drug Discovery Workshop and Coding Challenge, December 9
Sponsored by the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Consortium, this IDDD Roundtable workshop will take place in person from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on December 9th at the Bioscience Research Collaborative at Rice University. The goal of this workshop is to teach participants how to develop and write productive AI code to solve research questions. This skill will serve as a foundation for developing sophisticated AI expertise that can be used in a number of fields. In addition to exploration of AI applications for drug discovery and clinical research, participants will learn Python fundamentals and foundations for AI, Jupyter notebooks and portal access at TACC (Texas Advanced Computing Center), and AI program structures; dissecting and running tutorial codes. Workshop participation will be limited to 30 who will each be randomly assigned a “cleaned” dataset within one of five project areas (categories). Challenge competition: Immediately following the workshop, participants will use assigned datasets to complete an AI coding project with a 1 page write up and single slide summarizing the project due by 8 am December 15th. “Coding Consultants will be available during that time to assist participants who will present a 2 minute summary via Zoom on December 17. $500 prizes will be awarded to the “best” in each category with an additional $500 prize awarded to the “Best Overall.” Note that in order to participate, one must agree to review ~6 hours of preparatory videos (TACC and Coursera). The cost per person is $25 which will cover continental breakfast and lunch. Full participation will be required. For more information, contact Suzanne Tomlinson at smtomlin@rice.edu. Click HERE to register.
GCC Translational Pain Research: Online: #Pain2021 Workshop, Biological Evolution of Nociceptors, their Subtypes, and Plasticity, Dec, 17
This workshop will be a Panel Discussion focused on Biological Evolution of Nociceptors, their Subtypes, and Plasticity. It will take place virtually December 17, 1:00-2:00pm CST. Panelists include: Robyn Crook, San Francisco State Univ;. Greg Neely, Univ. of Sydney; Ewan St. John Smith, Univ. of Cambridge; and Edgar T. Walters, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston Attendees will have the opportunity to post questions directed to panelists in the Q&A. Registration
Data Science Consulting Clinic, Every Monday and Wednesday
This clinic is free and open to the GCC community. Rice D2K Lab faculty and students provide advice and assistance with any data science challenges you might have. Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00 pm; Online via Zoom (Link); for more information: d2k.rice.edu/consulting
Highlighted Shared Core of the Month
The Decision Science Core provides researchers with access to decision science expertise and state-of-the-art methods necessary to develop, evaluate, and disseminate SDM interventions to enhance the quality of cancer care delivery at MD Anderson and its partner institutions. Our services include preparing research funding applications, design and production of decision support interventions, evaluating new interventions for effectiveness, and disseminating interventions for use at MD Anderson and our partner institutions. Patient decision aids produced by the Decision Science Core meet new certification requirements from the National Quality Forum, and the content, development process, evaluation, and reporting follow standards from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration. For more information, please contact Program Director Viola B. Leal, MPH.