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Gulf Coast Consortia Update - June 22

Jun 22, 2021, 15:25 PM by Melodi Moore


Upcoming Events  

 Online: #Pain2021: Genetic Interrogation of Spinal Cord Circuits, June 18

Confirmed speakers include Victoria Abraira, Rutgers Univ.; Sebastian Choi, Harvard Univ.; Cedric Peirs, Inserm; and Vidya Chidambaran, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies. June 18, 1-2pm CDT. Registration

Online: #Pain2021: Pain Neuroimaging, July 16

Confirmed speakers include Katherine Martucci, Duke Univ.; Joyce Da Silva, Univ of Maryland Baltimore.; Massieh Moayedi, Univ. of Toronto; and Tim Salomons, Queen’s Univ. July 16, 1-2pm CDT. Registration

Rescheduled: 3rd Annual GCC Mental Health Research Symposium: Neurobiology and Translational Psychiatry, Sept. 21, 2021

Save the date and stay tuned for speaker updates. Confirmed speaker: Joshua Gordon, NIMH/NIH. Conference Website

Data Science Consulting Clinic, Every Monday

This clinic is free and open to the GCC community. Rice D2K Lab faculty and students provide advice and assistance with any data science challenges you might have. Mondays, 1:30-4:30 pm; Online via Zoom (Link); for more information:

Save the Date: 2nd Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium, Oct. 7

Save the Date: 31st Keck Annual Research Conference, Friday, Oct. 22

Theme: Infectious Diseases: Emerging Threats and Emerging Technologies. Co-chairs: Terri Koehler, UTHealth, and Sam Shelburne, MD Anderson. Confirmed speakers include Deborah Hogan, Peter Kasson, and Gerald Keusch. Conference Website

Save the Date: Future Trends in Quantitative and Theranostic Imaging, Nov. 2-3

Confirmed speakers include Dara Kraitchman, Johns Hopkins, and David Hormuth, UT Austin.

Highlighted Shared Core of the Month

The Combinatorial Drug Discovery Program (CDDP) located within the Texas A&M Institute of Biosciences and Technology in Houston, TX is a CPRIT-funded drug discovery core facility. The core offers industry standard automated high throughput library screening and imaging services to all investigators from academic institutions and both non-profit and for-profit entities. The CDDP can run large traditional high throughput small molecule screens for early lead or probe development or small and focused screens supporting lead optimization and structure activity relationship screens. The CDDP operates a unique drug combination screening platform often repurposing approved drugs and investigational agents that can be rapidly advanced to pre-clinical or clinical trials thus greatly reducing drug development time. The screening team can assist with assay design, development, and optimization moving bench assays to automation platforms for higher throughput. Our research team also includes experts in the development and implementation of both conventional statistical and advanced machine learning and neural network analysis models that are applied to the extraction and interpretation of high throughput chemical screening data. For more information, contact Core Director Clifford Stephan.

Welcome to the UTMB Research Resources Blog

Sponsored by Research Services, the blog is set up to assist the UTMB research community by disseminating information from various sources in one reliable, relatable and easy to locate place.  Users will be able to find updates from NIH, UT System and UTMB as well as special events and lectures taking place at the University, Galveston and in the area. Available funding opportunities are also included and in most cases broken down by career level for convenience and searching ease.

The blog is designed to be an interactive tool for researchers at all levels.  Readers are encouraged to comment, suggest topics and forward ideas.

Please visit the Research Resources Blog often.  To receive updates of all blog articles, please join the UTMB Research Community Team.  Once there, you can also join the channels you feel would benefit you most.