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Money for Nothing: Predatory Practices in Academic Journals and Conferences

Jun 3, 2021, 16:48 PM by Melodi Moore

The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine


Predatory Practices from both journals and conferences affect production in both publication and awards.  Driven by profit and deception, these practices are infiltrating the research enterprise by making false promises of rigorous peer review and are becoming more sophisticated, thus allowing poor science into the knowledge base, and enabling good science to be overlooked when it appears in low credibility journals.

This webinar, presented by professors Ana Maria Cetto and Diane Negra - members of the international working group leading this work - will provide an overview of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) study’s findings before it officially reports at the end of the year. The IAP is a global network of over 140 national academies of science, engineering and medicine, which is co-hosted by NASEM.  There is no cost to the webinar, but registration is required.


Following the webinar, UTMB Reference Librarian, Anne Howard anhoward@UTMB.EDU, will be available to answer questions that may arise for UTMB researchers.

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