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PCORI COVID-19 Targeted PFA Now Open

May 5, 2020, 14:42 PM by Melodi Moore
This PCORI Funding Announcement opened on Tuesday, May 5, 2020.
Full applications will be due Tuesday, May 26, 2020, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

In order to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, PCORI is issuing a new research funding announcement with an accelerated timeline to support innovative, high-impact studies that fit clearly within our core mission of patient-engaged and patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research. The objectives of this announcement are to (1) strengthen the understanding of different approaches to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on individuals, communities, healthcare providers, and healthcare systems; and (2) provide evidence to inform clinical and public health responses, decision making, and planning.

PCORI encourages the use of diverse methods, including interventional studies and the use of natural experiments, to conduct research on an accelerated timeline. Applicants are encouraged to complete primary outcomes collection and provide actionable findings in no longer than 12 months. Hybrid designs, which can provide insight into implementation approaches in the context of evidence generation, will also be welcome. Applicants should be prepared to work independently and/or with PCORI to expedite dissemination of results.

This funding announcement has three targeted priority areas. The research questions articulated in each of the priority areas below are not the only questions of interest; other relevant questions within these priority areas will also be considered. The priority areas are:

  • Adaptations to healthcare delivery: What has been the impact on patient-centered outcomes of alternative healthcare delivery models (e.g., telehealth, hospital at home) that are being implemented in response to COVID-19? What has been learned about barriers and facilitators to their effective implementation?
  • Impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations: What are effective clinical pathways to improve outcomes for the most vulnerable and higher risk patients? What are effective system- or organizational-level responses to prevent or mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in low-income and low-resource settings that serve vulnerable populations? Vulnerable populations include but are not limited to Native Americans or Alaskan Natives, African Americans, and other racial, ethnic, or sexual and gender minorities; rural communities; incarcerated populations; people who are homeless or unstably housed; individuals with intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities; individuals with chronic conditions; and individuals facing increased exposure because they are unable to work remotely.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workforce well-being, management, and training: What policies, practices, or programs are effective in helping health systems quickly shift human resources, redeploy healthcare workers, and train current and new healthcare workers to fill certain healthcare delivery needs? What are effective strategies to protect the physical and/or mental well-being of the healthcare workforce?

Although PCORI will not fund basic science research, applications proposing COVID-19-related research in areas not covered by these priorities may also be submitted. Proposals responsive to the targeted priority areas will, however, be given preference. Innovative approaches that involve patients and communities in the development or implementation of research are encouraged. A portion of the award can be allocated for documentation of innovative engagement successes and challenges and effects on the project.

Applications should propose a realistic budget and timeline reflective of the scope and requirements of the proposed study. PCORI expects that project budgets and duration will vary, depending on the proposed design, needs for recruitment and/or primary data collection, and analytic complexity.

All applicant resources available here.

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