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CSR Announces Summer Peer Review Meeting Format

Apr 16, 2020, 09:34 AM by Melodi Moore

In a post on the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Review Matters blog, Dr. Dipak Bhattacharyya, Chief Information Officer, NIH CSR, explained how CSR will conduct summer peer review meetings.  These meetings will be conducted using one of three platforms - 1) video; 2) telephone; 3) web-based discussion. A majority will take place using the Zoom video platform. 

In an effort to reassure reviewers and applicants, Dr. Bhattacharyya explains that the Zoom video platform being used by the NIH is not the same as that used by schools or by you at home.  NIH is using a FedRAMP-certified version of Zoom within the domain. It meets requirements for other agencies that handle very sensitive information, including the Department of Homeland Security. FedRAMP certification means, for reviewers, the platform can be used without risking installation of malware and, for applicants, meetings remain confidential. 

Learn more about the key features of this platform and how CSR will ensure confidentiality of review meetings in Dr. Bhattacharyya's blog post.  For more general information on cyber security at NIH, see the April 8 2020 Open Mike post. 

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