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John S. Dunn Collaborative Proposal Deadline Extended

Mar 13, 2020, 16:43 PM by Melodi Moore


Due to the recent Public Health Emergency, all John S. Dunn Collaborative Proposal deadlines have been moved forward 30-days.  This means that UTMB faculty interested in preparing a new collaborative pre-proposal with faculty from another GCC institution have until April 30 to submit that pre-proposal to Melodi Moore at

Pre-proposals will include:

  1. PI name, title, department, institution, email
  2. Co-PI name, title, department, institution, email
  3. If applicable: Co-I name, title, department, institution, email
  4. Title of project
  5. Abstract of up to 450 words
  6. Statement attesting to this being a new collaboration among team members (i.e., no joint papers, abstracts, grant funding of any kind) 
  7. Statement that the collaborative team leadership (PI and co-PI) is submitting the proposal only once and only to the PI institution
  8. Timeline including milestones for the 2-year funding period as well as a best-case scenario plan for transition to clinical studies within 5 years of project start (not included in 2-page limit).
  9. Biosketches for the PI and co-PI (2- page limit). ***Note: If a Co-I is included, a 2-page biosketch must also be submitted. 2-page biosketch should only reflect information (e.g. publications) pertinent to the proposal.
  10. List of suggested reviewers – name, institution and email; 3 internal to GCC community and 3 external – in the event the team is invited to submit a full proposal. These reviewers will be able to provide an unbiased, knowledgeable review of your team’s inter-disciplinary proposal. Please avoid suggesting reviewers with whom you have conflicts of interest (i.e. joint authorship or grants, frequent interaction, collegial affiliations, etc.). See COI form.

***Note that timeline, biosketches and suggested reviewers will not be included in the 2 page limit.

All pre-proposals will be reviewed internally by a designated research review committee of the PI institution. Based on their review, the committee will select three pre-proposals and notify the GCC of the committee selection. GCC will invite the PI of each to submit a full proposal directly to the GCC. Those not invited to submit full proposals will be notified by the PI institution. 

Questions should be directed to Melodi Moore email: or phone:  406-266-9428

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