A Collaboration of Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, University of Houston, University of Texas Health Science Center, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Institute of Biosciences & Technology of Texas A&M Health Science Center
Congratulations to the poster winners of the Keck Annual Research Conference on Precision Environmental Health!
Predoc Winners
1.Melody Yeo, Precision Environmental Health Training Program; Mentors: Richard Finnell, Philip Lupo, both at BCM
2.Matthew Ykema, Molecular Biophysics Training Program; Mentor: Jane Tao at Rice
Postdoc Winners
1.Melinda Engevik, BCM, Pathology.
2.Willie Hsu, Computational Cancer Biology Training Program: Mentors: Lawrence Sowers, Yuri Fofanov, both at UTMB
Looking for a particular piece of equipment?
Did you know that the GCC has a Shared Equipment and Resource Committee (SERC) composed of the Directors/Leaders in equipment inventory and acquisition from each of the GCC institutions? If you are looking for a particular piece of equipment, please email Suzanne Tomlinson, and the committee members will work together to try to locate it and introduce you to the PI who owns/administers it.
Click to view GCC Shared Core Facilities
Keck Seminar, October 18
Amy Franklin, Assistant Dean, UT Health Science Center Houston will present Cognitive Informatics: Usability, Work-flow, and Decision Support; Upcoming seminars: Timothy Palzkill, Chair/Professor, Baylor College of Medicine (10/25); Eric Wagner, UT Medical Branch at Galveston (11/1) and Hans Keirstead, AIVITA Biomedical (11/8). Seminar at 4pm. Networking and refreshments will follow at 5pm, BioScience Research Collaborative, 280, 6500 Main St. Seminars are free and open to the public. Keck Seminar Schedule
1st Annual GCC Translational Imaging Symposium, October 22
Confirmed speakers include Alan Koretsky, NINDS; Janet Eary, NCI Cancer Imaging Program; Angelique Louie, UC Davis; John Gore, Vanderbilt University; John Hazle, MDA; Mostafa Waleed Gaber, BCM; Masoud Motamedi, UTMB; Refaat Gabr, UTHealth; Jim Bankson, MDA; Robia Pautler, BCM; Ponnada Narayana; UTHealth, Omid Veiseh, Rice; and Badri Roysam, UH. Conference website Registration.
1st Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Networking Colloquium, October 24
Single cell omics is broadly defined as technologies that are capable of generating comprehensive and integrated omics profiles, such as (epi)-genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, at single-cell resolution in a high throughput manner. As a rapidly growing field, it is becoming an essential technology across most, if not all, biomedical research fields. The goal of the GCC single cell omics cluster (GCC SCOC) is to accelerate single cell omics technology development and facilitate multi-disciplinary multi-institution collaborations. In addition, GCC SCOC aims at building infrastructure to provide training opportunities to meet the urgent growing needs of the community by leveraging local expertise across GCC institutions. As the first show-and-tell social event, we are trying to get the members together and facilitate new collaborations within the community. We invite you to join us for this event that will take place in the Bioscience Research Collaborative, Room 1003. We ask that all attendees prepare and submit a profile slide that will be included on the website and used as your slide for a short rapid fire introduction. Please REGISTER Download a slide profile here and submit to Suzanne Tomlinson by Oct. 18.
ADME: Lead Characterization and Optimization, October 29
We invite you to REGISTER for this exciting conference introducing our newest CPRIT-funded GCC Center for PK/PD and Formulation (CCPF). Sponsored by CPRIT, CCPF, and the GCC Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Consortium, this conference will include a “How-to” session on approaching PK (ADME)/PD and formulation studies. Topics discussed will include protein:protein interactions, biologics, small molecules and examples of projects from users of the core. Confirmed speakers include S.W. Johnny Lau; Fadi Ibrahim, Pfizer; Oscar Ekpenyong, Merck; Cinzia Stella, Genetech; Mohammad Tabrizi, Ascendis; Jeff Larson, Iterion; Mark Cox, UT El Paso; Dong Liang, TSU; Diana Chow, UH; Huan Xie, TSU; Robert Tsai, IBT; and Stan Watowich, UTMB. Stay tuned for additional confirmed speakers. Conference website
GCC Cross Consortia HEAL Initiative-Focused Networking Colloquium, November 6
Back by popular demand, this event will provide an opportunity for faculty, students, and postdocs to get together to discuss collaborative projects/proposals focused on addressing these important health issues. The event will take place in the GSBS large Classroom (BSRB S3.8371) from 1:00 – 4:00 pm, and will include short rapid-fire introductions and time for small group networking. We ask that all attendees prepare and submit a profile slide that will be included on the website and used as your slide for a short rapid fire introduction. REGISTRATION. Please download a slide profile here and submit to Suzanne Tomlinson by Nov. 1.
IDDD Round Table Workshop on Emerging Screening Technologies for Drug Discovery, November 7
We invite you to join us for the November Roundtable Workshop which will highlight the use of DNA-encoded libraries and fragment-based approaches for screening. Additionally, you will learn about available resources in this area as well as best practices in industry. Confirmed speakers include Lisa Marcaurelle, Director of Chemistry at GlaxoSmithKline and Damian Young, Baylor College of Medicine. When you register, you will have the opportunity to submit questions that you would like for the speakers to address during the interactive round-table discussion that will follow their presentations. The event will take place in BRC 1003 from 3:00-6:00 with networking reception following. Registration will be limited to 70. Registration.
Regenerative Medicine Symposium, November 8
We invite you to join us for this exciting symposium that will focus on latest advances in regenerative medicine research, including recent and ongoing clinical trials. Confirmed speakers include Hans Keirstead, AIVITA; Tejashri Purohit-Sheth, FDA; Johnny Huard, Steadman Philippon Research Institute; Cindy Farach-Carson, UTHealth; Frank McKeon, University of Houston; John Cooke, Houston Methodist Research Institute; Mary Estes, Baylor College of Medicine; Robert Krencik, Houston Methodist; Emerson Perin, Texas Heart Institute; and Ying Liu, UTHealth. Conference website Registration.
3rd Annual GCC Junior Faculty Extravaganza, November 13
Back by popular demand, the extravaganza will include opportunities for participants to get to know early-stage investigators from all of the GCC institutions, to learn about GCC shared equipment and resources, to interact with leadership from all of the research consortia, to learn about training grant opportunities, and to learn about resources and upcoming events sponsored by the GCC Junior Faculty Network. The event will take place in the Bioscience Research Collaborative from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Registration.
Save the Date: Emerging Trends in Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, December 3
We invite you to join us for the 1st Annual Conference of our new Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Cluster. Confirmed speakers include Elizabeth Golsmith, UT Southwestern; Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia; and Grant Jensen, Caltech. Stay tuned for updates. Conference website Registration
IDDD Round Table Workshop on Computational Drug Discovery and Lead Optimization, December 5
We invite you to join us for the December Roundtable Workshop which will highlight the use of computational approaches for drug discovery and lead optimization. Additionally, you will learn about new available resources in this area as well as latest advances in the field. Confirmed speakers Matt Repasky, VP of Life Sciences Products, Schrodinger; Jason Cross, MD Anderson Institute of Applied Cancer Science (IACS); and Stan Watowich, UTMB. When you register, you will have the opportunity to submit questions that you would like for the speakers to address during the interactive round-table discussion that will follow their presentations. The event will take place in BRC 1003 from 3:00-6:00 with networking reception following. Registration will be limited to 70.
2nd International Meeting Protein-DNA Interactions: From Biophysics to Cancer, December 5-6
Co-sponsored by the GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Cluster, this conference take place at the Bioscience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main St., Houston, TX, 77030. Featured speakers include Gordon Hager NIH; Ben Black, UPenn; Ralf Metzler, Uni Potsdam; Motgomery Pettitt, Marc Morais, and Satya Prakash, UTMB; Polly Fordyce, Lacramioara Bintu and Alistair Boettiger, Stanford; Peter Wolynes, Michael Diehl, Oleg Igoshin, and Jose Onuchic, Rice University; Peter Vekilove and Margaret Cheung, UH; Stephen Mack, Charles Lin, Nicolas Young, and Wei Li, Baylor College of Medicine; Elizabeth Komives, UCSD; Xiaodong Cheng, MD Anderson; and Yuri Lyubchenko, Nebraska. For more information and to register, please visit the conference website.
Save the Date: GCC Regenerative Medicine and Single Cell Omics Cross-Consortia Networking Colloquium, December 9
How to Mentor Scientific Communication – Practical Strategies for Faculty Mentors, December 10
“Trainees don’t write enough.” “My trainee has lab skills but needs help presenting her research.” Sound familiar? During this workshop, faculty will learn best practices and strategies for helping trainees develop their scientific communication skills. Tuesday, Dec. 10, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, MD Anderson, Duncan Building – CPB8.3420. NOTE: This workshop is filling up quickly, so another date may be added. Facilitators: Carrie Cameron, PhD, and Shine Chang, PhD. This project is funded by NIGMS. Register: https://is.gd/SCOARE2019. Questions? SCOARE@mdanderson.org.
Annual Symposium of the CPRIT Therapeutic Antibody Core, Dec. 10
This 4th annual symposium will showcase the core’s state-of-the-art technology platforms and multiple successful research programs. Attendees will learn about exciting opportunities to advance translational research, particularly for the development of cancer antibody drugs. The symposium will feature Philipp Scherer, UT Southwestern; Barry Morgan, HitGen Ltd; William Strohl, BiStro Biotech Consulting; Rob Burgess, Sino Biological; Yan-Xiun Fu, UT Southwestern; and Guo-Liang Yu, Apollomics, and Zhiqiang An, UTHealth. The event will take place in the Fayez S. Sarofim Research Building, 1825 Pressler St. Houston, TX, 77030. For more information, visit the symposium website. Registration.
Research Mentor Training Workshop for Postdocs and Research Staff, Wednesday, Dec. 11
This well-received workshop is designed for postdocs and research staff to develop skills and insight in mentoring young scientists and to provide the opportunity for interactions between mentors at different institutions and in different disciplines. Facilitators include Bob Tillman, MD Anderson master trainer with the National Research Mentoring Network, Time: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm; lunch will be provided. Location: BioScience Research Collaborative, Event Hall, 6500 Main Street. Spaces are limited. Deadline: Dec. 2. REGISTRATION Questions or more information: kethun@rice.edu.
Research Mentor Training Workshop for Faculty, Friday, Dec. 13
This workshop is designed for faculty to develop skills and insight in mentoring postdocs and graduate students and to provide the opportunity for interactions between mentors at different institutions and in different disciplines. Facilitators are Bob Tillman, Director of Education and Training at MD Anderson, and a master trainer with the National Research Mentoring Network, and Nisha Garg, Professor, Microbiology & Immunology, UTMB. Time: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm; lunch will be provided. Location: BioScience Research Collaborative, Event Hall, 6500 Main Street. Spaces are limited. Deadline: Dec. 2. REGISTRATION Questions or more information: kethun@rice.edu.
3rd Annual Texas Medical Center Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Stewardship, January 22-24, 2020
We invite you to REGISTER early for this exciting conference. Confirmed speakers include Helen Boucher, Tufts University; William Shafer, Emory University; David Greenberg, UT Southwestern; Ryan Shields, University of Pittsburgh; Brian Werth, University of Washington; David van Duin, University of N. Carolina; Vance Fowler, Duke; Sara Cosgrove, Johns Hopkins; Victor Nizet, University of California San Diego; Edgar Sherman, Emory; Ying Taur, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Andy Koh, UT Southwestern; Cindy Sears, Johns Hopkins; Marion Kainer, Tennessee Dept. of Health; Chanu Rhee, Harvard Medical School; Kim Blumenthal, Harvard Medical School; Lilian Abbo, University of Miami; Anna Konovalova, UTHealth; Anthony Flores, UTHealth; Natasha Kirienko, Rice University; Gerald Bills, UTHealth; Ashok Chopra, UTMB; Julian Hurdle, IBT; Lynn Zechiedrich, BCM; Adriana Rosato, HMRI; Eric Brown, UTHealth; Sheldon Kaplan, TCH; Sam Shelburne, MDA; Isaam Raad, MDA; Luis Ostrosky, UTHealth; Luis Vega, UTHealth; Jourdan Andersson, BCM; Kevin Garey, UH; Christy Su, Memorial Hermann; Ed Septimus, Harvard and TAMU; Chase Janak, HMRI; Mandelin Cooper, HCA Healthcare; Dan Musher, BCM; Carol Baker, UTHealth; Flor Munoz, TCH; and Robert Atmar, BCM. For more information and sponsorship opportunities, see CONFERENCE WEBSITE.
Save the Date: NeuroNex Workshop, January 30, 2020
Co-sponsored by the GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Consortium, this workshop will take place in the BioScience Research Collaborative, Room 280. Stay tuned for more info.
Save the Date: 17th Annual Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference, January 31, 2020
Confirmed speakers include Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Ann Hermundstad, Janelia Research Campus; and Ken Miller, Columbia. Stay tuned for updates.
Save the Date: 3rd Annual GCC Mental Health Research Conference, March 31
Please mark your calendar for this exciting event that will highlight advances in Mental Health Research in the region and across the nation. Confirmed keynote, Joshua Gordon, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) will discuss priorities and funding opportunities. Stay tuned for updates.
Save the Date: 1st Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium, April 7
Confirmed speaker: Stephen Quake, Stanford. Stay tuned for more information.
Save the Date: Next Generation Pain Therapeutics from Basic Science to the Clinic, April 13-15
We invite you to join us for the 10th Anniversary Conference of our Translational Pain Research Consortium. Keynote speaker, Walter Koroshetz, Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) will discuss NINDS priorities and opportunities, including those related to the HEAL initiative. Plenary presentations will be selected from short proposals submitted HERE. Registration will be limited to 375. Stay tuned to the conference website for more information.
Save the Date: 2nd Annual Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Conference, May 11-12
Please save the date for this exciting conference and stay tuned for speaker updates. James Inglese, NIH/NCATS is confirmed.