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PCORI Update and Funding Opportunities

Apr 11, 2018, 16:00 PM by Melodi Moore


FROM THE Desk of:Selby
Joe Selby, MD, MPH 
Executive Director

2018 is shaping up to be PCORI's most active year to date. As more and more of our funded studies produce and publish results, we're making every effort to ensure our stakeholders are aware of this progress as soon as possible. It's part of our mandate to conduct research that helps decision makers, and it turns out there are ways I'd never thought of to get this done.

For instance, we're now giving people interested in the outcomes of specific projects the opportunity to receive alerts every time one of those funded projects has results. We developed this service in response to requests from stakeholders like you. To track the progress of a study, you can now go to any project page on our site and click the blue "Sign Up for Updates" button in the upper right corner. You'll receive email updates when that study has patient-friendly and professional abstracts posted to the PCORI website and/or when a published, peer-reviewed journal article on primary comparative effectiveness research results is posted.

Right now, just under 200 projects have submitted their draft final research reports and entered the PCORI peer-review process. Nearly 100 of these have made their way through this process and are on the way to having both professional and patient-friendly abstracts on PCORI's website. Many are already posted, and many more will appear in the coming months. I'm grateful to our peer-review and communications teams for their diligent work and creative approaches to getting this information to those who need it.

We've also just started a blog feature to regularly share highlights from print and online news coverage of our work. We're showcasing recent coverage of our newest awards or activities of some of our previously funded studies.

These efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to engaging with our stakeholders in all aspects our work, with the goal of maximizing the value of the research we fund and its ability to improve the value of health care.

Funding Opportunities

PCORI Funding Announcement: Implementation of Effective Shared Decision Making Approaches in Practice Settings -- Cycle 2 2018
LOI: July 24, 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)
Application: October 10, 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)
Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research -- Cycle 2 2018
LOI: June 28, 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)
Application:September 25, 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)

Broad PCORI Funding Announcements -- Cycle 2 2018 (for Addressing Disparities, Assessment of Options, Communication and Dissemination Research, Improving Healthcare Systems)
LOI: JUNE 28, 2018 BY 5 P.M. (ET) 

Limited PCORI Funding Announcement: Implementation of PCORI-Funded Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Results -- Cycle 2 2018
LOI: June 21 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)
Application: August 30, 2018 by 5 p.m. (ET)



Welcome to the UTMB Research Resources Blog

Sponsored by Research Services, the blog is set up to assist the UTMB research community by disseminating information from various sources in one reliable, relatable and easy to locate place.  Users will be able to find updates from NIH, UT System and UTMB as well as special events and lectures taking place at the University, Galveston and in the area. Available funding opportunities are also included and in most cases broken down by career level for convenience and searching ease.

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