Upcoming Events
Keck Seminar, Friday, September 23, 4:00 CT
Jason Eriksen, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Houston, Houston, TX, will present, “Fit Body, Fit Brain: The Surprising Science of Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Upcoming speakers include Felicia Skelton, Holly Beale, Jonathan King, and Daniel Promislow . Seminars are held Fridays, 4-5 pm CST in BRC 280 and via Zoom, unless otherwise indicated. Please contact elizabeth.lawrence@rice.edu for that day’s Zoom link, or to join our Keck Seminar listserv and receive weekly reminders and Zoom links. Keck Seminar Schedule.
Antimicrobial Resistance Foundations Course begins Oct. 4, 2022 – register by Sept. 30
The TPAMR Foundations course will be offered virtually on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1:15 pm. It is focused primarily on the mechanisms of action and resistance of the most common antibiotics used in clinical practice, with important components related to antifungal resistance, genomics, microbiome science, the pharmacology of antibiotics, antibiotic stewardship and the important problem of C. difficile. The course schedule can be found here. A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of the course. Please register for the course by September 30 by emailing Jessica Poli at jessica.poli@rice.edu.
GCC Regenerative Medicine Consortium Interactive Conference: Practical Aspects of Delivering Regenerative Medicine Therapies to the Clinic, Oct. 12
Confirmed presenters include: Julie Allickson, Mayo Clinic; Frank Bugg, Lonza; Donna Chang, Hope Biosciences; Michael Dilling, BCM; Adrian Gee, Texas Children’s Hospital/BCM; Papia Gosh, MDA; Carl Gregory, TAMU; Jan Odegard, The Ion; Sundeep Mattamana, UTMB; Asha Rajagopal, Rice Univ.; John Schultz, HMRI; Rick Silva, Texas A&M IBT; Doris Taylor, Organamet Bio; Fabio Trilo, UTH; Stanley Watowich, Ridgeline Therapeutics and UTMB; Robert Whitman, Forward Science. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Auditorium, 6500 Main St., Houston. More information can be found on the conference website Registration
Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop, Oct. 17
1st place winner of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2017 Innovations in Research and Research Education Award, this exciting workshop brings together highly acclaimed experts in rigor and reproducibility in research topics including data analysis, experimental design, resource sharing, publication and reporting, and more. With speakers and facilitators from all of our GCC institutions, this interactive workshop has proven to be very effective as well as a lot of fun. The workshop will take place from 9:00 am - 3 pm Bioscience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main Street, Room 1003. In person attendance only. Register here.
32nd Keck Annual Research Conference and Poster Session, Friday, Oct. 21 (In Person)
Theme: Structural Biology: Past, Present and Future. Confirmed speakers include Edward Egelman, PhD, Univ. of Virginia; Scott Stagg, PhD, Florida State Univ.; Youxing Jiang, PhD, UT-Southwestern; Naoko Mizuno, PhD, NIH/NHLBI; Tom Terwilliger, PhD, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Gabrielle Rudenko, PhD, UT Medical Branch. Co-organizers: Irina Serysheva, PhD, UTHealth; Xiaodong Cheng, PhD, MD Anderson; Mariah Baker, PhD, UTHealth; and Gundeep Kaur, PhD, MD Anderson. Location: Bioscience Research Collaborative, 6500 Main St., Houston. Website. Registration now open!
Online: #Pain2022 Workshop: Drosophila Models of Pain, Oct. 21
The October workshop will focus on Drosophila Models of Pain. Featuring: Olga Baron, King’s College London; Michael J. Galko, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Greg Neeley, Univ. of Sydney; and Dan Tracey, Indiana Univ. Bloomington. Online, 1-2 pm, cdt. via zoom Registration
3rd Annual Single Cell Omics Symposium, Oct. 26
Confirmed presenters include: Rong Fa, Yale Univ; Genevera Allen, RU; Benjamin Arenkiel, BCM; Melike Lakadamyali, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Margo Cain, MDA; Shu-Hsai Chen, HMRI; Nicholas Navin, MDA; Guy Nir, UTMB. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Auditorium, 6500 Main St., Houston. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Auditorium, 6500 Main St., Houston. More information can be found on the symposium website Registration
60-Second Elevator Talk Workshop, Oct. 26
Participate in the “60-second Elevator Talk Workshop,” and take your presentation skills to the next level! The Elevator Speech for Research is a very brief talk introducing yourself and explaining quickly what you do and why you do it. A prepared elevator speech will help you present yourself credibly and effectively in many situations. Even in situations where a full elevator speech isn’t necessary or desirable, just knowing your elevator speech's separate elements will help you answer sudden and unexpected questions. This online, 2-hour, interactive and informative workshop covers techniques on how to prepare an elevator speech and what not to include! The workshop will take place from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The Zoom link will be emailed to you once you have registered. Register here.
GCC TPR Social and Work in Progress, Nov. 3
Do not miss this opportunity to network and build new collaborations, and to hear the latest updates in pain research. You will have the opportunity to sign up for a poster slot during registration. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Event Hall, 6500 Main St., Houston. 4:30-6:30 pm In person only Registration
Save the Date: 6th Annual Texas Medical Center Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship Conference, Jan. 18-20, 2023
Confirmed presenters include: Helen I. Zgurskaya, Univ. of Oklahoma; Kim Lewis, Northeastern Univ.; Marin Kolleff, Washington Univ.; Susan McLellan, UTMB; Saima Aslam, UCSD; Sara Cosgrove, Johns Hopkins; Ashlee Earl, Broad Institute; Keith Kaye, Rutgers Robert Wood Medical School; Anna Konovalova, UT Health Houston; Kerry LaPlante, Univ. of Rhode Island; James Lewis, Oregon Health & Science Univ.; Erin McCreary, Univ. of Pittsburgh; William Miller, HMRI; Jose Munita, Clinica Alemana and Universidad del Desarrollo; Robin Patel, Mayo Clinic; Shantel Peters, Houston Health Dept.; Laurent Poirel, Univ. of Fribourg;
Adriana Rosato, UC; Ryan Shields, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Pranita Tamma, Johns Hopkins Univ.; Todd Treangen, Rice Univ.; William Trick, Cook County Health; David Weiss, Emory Univ.; Michael Woodworth, Emory Univ.; Tracy Zembles, Children’s Wisconsin. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Auditorium, 6500 Main St., Houston. More information coming soon. Conference website
Save the Date: 20th Annual GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference, Feb. 10, 2023
Confirmed presenters include: Tatiana Engel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories; Stefano Fusi, Columbia Univ.; Luca Mazzucato, Univ. of Oregon; Ida Momennejad, Microsoft Research. Bioscience Research Collaborative, Auditorium, 6500 Main St., Houston. More information coming soon.