a follow-up to our newly established institutional license, the Dean of the
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and the Vice President of Research
invite you to participate in the inaugural BioRender 101 webinar. Join us
on July 20 at noon to learn the basics about BioRender and how to utilize this
program for professional looking scientific illustrations in minutes. In
addition, be on the lookout for more specialized webinars to upgrade your
skills in the coming months. This series of webinars is free to all faculty, post-docs, staff,
residents, fellows, and students at UTMB so scroll down to register!

BioRender Premium is now available for all researchers at University of Texas Medical Branch! Join hundreds of your colleagues using BioRender to create their illustrations! On top of this, BioRender will also be hosting a webinar on how to create professional science figures in minutes. This webinar will review the basics, and touch on some advanced tips as well!
Webinar Details
About this webinar: In this one-hour webinar, learn actionable tips and techniques for designing science figures for your posters, presentations, publications and more! Including experimental methods and biological pathways, with an introduction to the BioRender software.
This webinar will be led by Tim Fung, BioRender's Science Communication and Customer Success Manager
Date: Wednesday, July 20 at 12:00 PM
Click Here to Register