The following individual academic research opportunities from the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas were announced this week. The final deadline for these proposals is June 8, 2022.
Individual Investigator Research Awards
Supports applications for innovative research projects addressing critically important questions that will significantly advance knowledge of the causes, prevention, and/or treatment of cancer. Areas of interest include laboratory research, translational studies, and/or clinical investigations. Competitive renewal applications accepted.
Award: Up to $350,000 per year. Exceptions permitted if extremely well justified; maximum duration: 3 years.
Individual Investigator Research Awards for Cancer in Children and Adolescents
Supports applications for innovative research projects addressing questions that will advance knowledge of the causes, prevention, progression, detection, or treatment of cancer in children and adolescents. Laboratory, clinical, or population-based studies are all acceptable. CPRIT expects the outcome of the research to reduce the incidence, morbidity, or mortality from cancer in children and/or adolescents in the near or long term. Competitive renewal applications accepted.
Award: Up to $350,000 per year. Applicants that plan on conducting a clinical trial as part of the project may request up to $500,000 in total costs. Exceptions permitted if extremely well justified; maximum duration: 4 years.
Individual Investigator Research Awards for Clinical Translation
Supports applications that propose innovative cancer clinical studies that are hypothesis driven and involve patients enrolled prospectively on a clinical trial. Areas of interest include clinical studies of new or repurposed drugs, hormonal therapies, immune therapies, surgery, radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation, combinations of interventions, or therapeutic devices. Clinical trial must be planned to begin when contract is awarded.
Award: Up to $500,000 per year. Maximum duration: 4 years. Exceptions permitted if extremely well justified.
Individual Investigator Research Awards for Computational Systems Biology of Cancer
Supports applications for innovative mathematical and/or computational research projects addressing questions that will advance current knowledge in the (a) mechanisms that tie altered gene expression and downstream molecular mechanisms to functional cancer phenotypes and/or (b) mechanisms that tie tumor morphology to functional cancer phenotypes and/or mechanisms that tie treatment sequence and combination to evolving functional cancer phenotypes (that emerge as a result of treatment selection).
Award: Up to $400,000 in total costs per year for up to 3 years. Exceptions permitted if extremely well justified.
Individual Investigator Research Awards for Prevention and Early Detection
Supports applications which propose clinical and population-based projects designed to develop effective prevention and early detection interventions to reduce cancer risk, mortality, and morbidity among Texans. Projects that propose such research collaborations with existing CPRIT Prevention Program awardees including the CPRIT funded Texas Collaborative Center for Hepatocellular Cancer are strongly encouraged.
Award: Up to $400,000 per year. Exceptions permitted if extremely well justified; maximum duration: 5 years.