For Faculty: Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) Workshops
Three virtual workshops will be held this fall, due to popular demand. Participants must be faculty who will be supervising PhD or postdoctoral trainees for the next 6 months after the workshop. Register for any of the 3 dates using this registration link: https://redcap.link/SCOARE21-22.
Direct questions to SCOARE@mdanderson.org.
Virtual: GCC #Pain2021 Workshop: Ex Vivo Interrogation of Somatosensation, August 20
Featuring Michael Jankowski, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Qian Wang, Stanford Univ.; Charles Warwick, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Francesco Ferrini, Univ. of Turin. 1-2 pm, cdt. Registration
3rd Annual GCC Mental Health Research Symposium: Neurobiology and Translational Psychiatry, Sept. 21
Confirmed keynote speaker: Joshua Gordon, NIMH/NIH. Other confirmed speakers: John Allen, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch; Shelly Buffington, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch; Douglas Senna Engelke, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Gabriel Fries, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Wayne Goodman, Baylor College of Medicine; Therese Kosten, Univ. of Houston; Fernanda Laezza, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch; Agenor Limon, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch; Jacob T. Robinson, Rice Univ.; Jair Soares, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center; Sameer Sheth, Baylor College of Medicine; Francesco Versace, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Consuelo Walss-Bass, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center; Heather Webber, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center; and Yong Xu, Baylor College of Medicine. Conference Website Registration
Save the Date: Rigor and Reproducibility, Oct. 4
2nd Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium, Oct. 7
Featuring keynote speakers: Nir Yosef, Univ. of California Berkeley and Matt Spitzer, Univ. of California San Francisco/Teiko Bio. Other confirmed speakers: Rui Chen, Baylor College of Medicine; Andrew Futreal, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Shaoheng Liang, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Ivan Rosas, Baylor College of Medicine; Julea Vlassakis, Rice Univ.; and Runmin Wei, MD Anderson Cancer Center. This conference will take place virtually via the interactive Brella conferencing platform. Conference Website Registration
Save the Date: 31st Keck Annual Research Conference, Friday, Oct. 22
Theme: Infectious Diseases: Emerging Threats and Emerging Technologies. Co-chairs: Terri Koehler, UTHealth, and Sam Shelburne, MD Anderson. Confirmed speakers include Elissa Hallem, Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Deborah Hogan, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine; Peter Kasson, Univ. of Virginia; Gerald Keusch, Boston Univ.; and Jonathan Livny, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Conference Website
Data Science Consulting Clinic, Every Monday and Wednesday
This clinic is free and open to the GCC community. Rice D2K Lab faculty and students provide advice and assistance with any data science challenges you might have. Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00 pm; Online via Zoom (Link); for more information: d2k.rice.edu/consulting
Save the Date: Future Trends in Quantitative and Theranostic Imaging, Nov. 2-3
Confirmed speakers include Dara Kraitchman, Johns Hopkins, and David Hormuth, UT Austin.
Save the Date: GCC Cellular and Molecular Biophysics Conference, Nov. 30-Dec.1

Highlighted Shared Core of the Month
The GCC Center for Advanced Microscopy and Image Informatics (CAMII) is a CPRIT funded resource collocated at BCM and Texas A&M Institute for Biosciences and Technology. This highly collaborative research facility provides cancer researchers with access to sophisticated imaging and computational resources that will enable them to address critical questions in both basic and translational cancer research. The program includes projects addressing fundamental questions in cancer biology as well as projects whose goal is the development of new therapies for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Approved projects can be run by CAMII personnel at no charge. For more information, contact Mike Mancini. Click Here to see flyer.
Other Area Events
August Events
TMC, 2nd International E-Conference on Cancer Science and Therapy, Aug. 23
MDACC, Leading Clinical Research Faculty Learning Series, Aug. 24
BCM, CVRI Seminar, Annet Kirabo, Vanderbilt Univ., Aug. 25
HMRI, 9th Annual Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium, Aug. 27
MDACC, Behavioral Science Research News Hour, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Aug. 30
MDACC, Leading Clinical Research Faculty Learning Series, Aug. 31
September Events
UTH, NBA Seminar and Colloquia, Erica Underwood, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Sept. 1
BCM, CVRI Seminar, Bernhard Kuhn, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Sept. 1
HMRI, 14th Annual Advances in Neurology Symposium, Sept. 10
BCM, CVRI Seminar, Sean Wu, Stanford Univ., Sept. 15
HMRI, Sepsis Symposium 2021: Sepsis Survivorship, Sept. 17
FDA, Advancing Generic Drug Development: Translating Science to Approval, Sept. 21-22