Macular Degeneration Research Program
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Candidates must hold an MD, PhD, DVM, DO, OD or equivalent degree received no more than four years before the time of application. For clinician scientists, this application should be submitted within two years after completion of their final clinical training.
- Maximum award value: $200,000
- Maximum duration: 2 years
New Investigator Grant
This research grant program is restricted to new and early investigators who have received their MD, PhD or equivalent degree within the past 10 years at the time of application. Applicant must serve as the Principal Investigator on the project and have independent laboratory space.
- Maximum award value: $450,000
- Maximum duration: 3 years
Innovative Research Grant
High-risk/high-gain age-related macular degeneration research. We hope to attract established investigators to apply for this support, but the aims of the application must contain outside-the-box ideas that are novel in the field.
- Maximum award value: $600,000
- Maximum duration: 3 years
Letter of Intent FY22: Due July 29, 2021
Full applications FY22 (by invitation only): Due December 03, 2021
Note: All deadlines are 5:00 p.m. EST (Washington, D.C.) on the day of the deadline.

NextFifty Initiative exists to support activities that improve the lives and capacities of adults age 50 and older and/or their caregivers. Over the last year, we have been listening to and learning from community feedback about what organizations need from us and funders in general. As we begin working through our strategic plan to develop a longer-term funding strategy, we view this as an opportunity to acknowledge what we’ve heard and to demonstrate our desire to better understand how flexible funding impacts organizations and their ability to serve older adults.
We are required to direct at least 80% of our funding to benefit the people of Colorado. However, entities outside of Colorado may apply for Flexible Support grants. Requests must target, or be able to demonstrate benefit to, those who are age 50 and older, including the older adult disabled population.
Flexible Support grants are restricted to organizations or programs that serve (or seek to serve) older adults, but funds can be used flexibly. Instead of being asked to articulate a specific project plan and budget, Flexible Support grant applicants will be asked about their organization’s and/or program’s goals and how the funding will support the achievement of those goals. Simply put – what need do you see in the aging community and how will these funds help you address it?
Our goal for this funding opportunity is to help organizations and programs serving older adults achieve their goals and improve their work toward enhancing the lives of older adults.
Who can apply for funds?
Grants will be made to nonprofit entities organized under sections 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(6) of the IRS code that are in good standing with the state or jurisdiction in which the organization resides. Governmental entities are also eligible for funding.
What will NextFifty Initiative consider funding?
Grant requests must be directed toward the aging or the aging-disabled population age 50 and over, or the caregivers of these populations.
What will not be funded?
- Requests that are not directed towards individuals over 50 and/or their caregivers
- Requests that involve payment or reimbursement of individual bills (i.e., medical bills, rent assistance, etc.)
- Requests that target lobbying interests or efforts, political campaigns, and requests with a goal of supporting a specific political position
- Requests seeking general event sponsorships
- Type III non-functionally integrated supporting organizations (as classified by IRS form 990, Schedule A, Part 1)
Requirement to speak with NextFifty Initiative Staff
Before submitting a request, applicants are encouraged to speak with a staff member. For requests of $250,000 or more, a call is required. To schedule, email info@next50initiative.org, or call 303-547-1800 by July 2, 2021.
Deadline: July 16, 2021, 5:00 PM MDT

This Request for Proposals (RFP) from Cures Within Reach (CWR) is seeking clinical
repurposing trials in any disease led by a racial / ethnic minority that is underrepresented in
biomedical research (as defined by the NIH; https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOTOD-20-031.html):
- Blacks or African Americans
- Hispanics or Latinx
- American Indians or Alaska Natives
- Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders
CWR is interested in 1) promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in biomedical clinical research
by supporting the careers of and 2) closing the NIH funding gap for underrepresented racial /
ethnic groups through funding for clinical repurposing trials led by minority PIs. CWR also hopes
that more representation in PIs leading clinical trials could help improve participation in clinical
trials by communities of color and help address racial health disparities.
CWR is interested in both previously funded minority PIs and in supporting minority PIs
who are early-stage investigators and who have received little or no extramural research
funding to date. PIs who have not received extramural funding previously and / or who do
not currently have their own lab should include a Letter of Support from a funded, senior
researcher who will act as a mentor for the proposed clinical trial and the PI.
At least 3 grants of up to $70,000 each will be funded through this RFP. CWR also has an open
RFP for repurposing research addressing racial health disparities in the Chicagoland area. For
more information about this RFP, visit https://app.cureaccelerator.org/rfp/view/113.
Additional Proposal submission instructions can be downloaded at this link:
Funding Available:
Minimum $25,000
Maximum $70,000
Due Date for Project Proposal Summary Submissions: July 9, 2021