On February 11, USAMRAA issued a
Request for Information to identify knowledge gaps, outcomes, and product needs for the state of the science and patient care in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and psychological health research. The CDMRP, managers of the Department of Defense FY21 appropriation of $175 Million is employing a two-tier approach to identify the necessary information.
First is a response to this RFI utilizing Survey Monkey using the following link:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FY21TBIPHRP-RFI This will be followed by a stakeholders meeting. Those interested in being considered for the stakeholders meeting, should provide name, organization, email, and phone number. After the stakeholders meeting, a vision setting meeting will determine the FY21 Investment Strategy to be advertised.
The RFI found at the link above will lead those interested to the Survey and links to provide all other relevant information.