RFA-TR-20-003 - The purpose of this urgent funding opportunity announcement is to invite applications to repurpose existing therapeutic agents to treat Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) sequelae and associated complications that result from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. The therapeutic agent must have already completed at least a Phase I clinical trial for a different indication, and not require additional regulatory studies for the new indication prior to starting a clinical trial.
Application on a Rolling Basis beginning August 6, 2020
Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADX)
Several notice of correction to the original RADX solicitations have been issued and are posted on the NIH RADX website. This includes the following NOSIs:
NOT-OD-20-119 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations
NOT-OD-20-120 - Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations
NOT-OD-20-121 - Limited Competition for Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged Research on COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and/or Vulnerable Populations
See the website for many more RADX opportunities.

Deadline: 31st August 2020
Inviting applications for our Encephalitis and Covid-19 - International Research Seed Funding.
Researchers can apply for up to £10,000 in seed funding for a project specific on encephalitis and covid-19 with a duration of up to 18 months.
IARPA COVID-19 Seedling Research Topics
Revolving Deadlines
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) invests in high-risk/highpay off research programs that have the potential to provide our nation with an overwhelming intelligence advantage. The current COVID-19 pandemic focuses attention on the need for technologies to assist with:
- detection and sensing;
- supply chain management and integrity;
- geo-spatio-temporal monitoring and mapping, with privacy protection;
information reliability and collaboration tools; and
- modeling, simulation, and predictive analytics.
These technologies align well with needs of the intelligence and national security communities and are, therefore, under the purview of IARPA’s research mission. Successful technology solutions will require creative, multidisciplinary methods, paradigm changing thinking, and transformative approaches. Preference will be given to research with the ability to not only provide rapid capability against the current COVID-19 pandemic, but also enhanced warning and response capacity for future similar events.