NIA Announces New Deadlines for Proposals Due in May, June & July
May 18, 2020,
11:03 AM
Melodi Moore

The NIA announced last week in NOT-AG-20-033 that they were extending upcoming deadlines for proposals with May, June & July deadlines. As illustrated by the table included in the notice, both New and Renewal/Resubmission/Revision applications are included. The notice states that applications will be accepted by 5:00 PM local time up to two weeks after the application due date for the NIA-specific FOAs listed. As there was some ambiguity to the way the notice was written, a phone call to the contact listed cleared up some questions.
- Two weeks = 14 days. If the 14th day falls on a weekend, the proposal is due the next business day.
- This deadline is inclusive of everyone applying for the grant, including those who are typically receive additional time such as council members, reviewers, etc.
- In some cases the New and Renewal/Resubmission/Revision date is the same day. This will carry forward for the two week extension.
- NIH’s late application submission policy for institutions closed due to the effects of COVID-19 (NOT-OD-20-082) still applies to these FOAs for institutions that are not able to submit within the two-week window. However, note that late applications submitted per NOT-OD-20-082 are considered on a case-by-case basis.