Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
Career Development Award
Supports early-career, independent researchers to conduct research under the mentorship of an experienced lung cancer researcher. Clinical trials not allowed. Preliminary data not required. Military relevance strongly encouraged
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 15, 2020
Application: July 29, 2020
Clinical Translational Research Partnership Award
Supports translational studies that include a clinical trial. Intended to fund partnerships between
clinicians and laboratory scientists that accelerate ideas in lung cancer into clinical applications. One partner is strongly encouraged to be from either a military treatment facility or a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center. Non-traditional partnerships are encouraged. Preliminary lung cancer relevant data required.
- Military relevance strongly encouraged.
- Patient research advocate involvement encouraged.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 15, 2020
Application: July 29, 2020
Concept Award
Supports highly innovative, untested, potentially groundbreaking concepts in lung cancer. Emphasis on innovation. Research involving human subjects or specimens must be either exempt under Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 219, Section 104(d) (32 CFR 219.104[d]) or eligible for expedited review (21 CFR 56.110). Clinical trials not allowed.
- Preliminary data discouraged (not consistent with intent of award mechanism).
- Military relevance strongly encouraged.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): May 27, 2020
Application: June 10, 2020
Idea Development Award
Supports new ideas that are in the early stages of development representing innovative, high-risk/high-gain research. Emphasis is on innovation and impact. New Investigators: Supports applicants early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers. Clinical trials not allowed.
- Preliminary data required but may be from outside of lung cancer.
- Military relevance strongly encouraged.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): May 6, 2020
Invited Application: July 29, 2020
Investigator Initiated Translational Research Award
Supports translational research that will develop promising ideas in lung cancer into clinical applications. Translational research may be defined as an integration of basic science and clinical observations. Intended to fund a broad range of translational studies. Clinical trials not allowed.
- Preliminary lung cancer relevant data required.
- Military relevance strongly encouraged.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): May 6, 2020
Invited Application: July 29, 2020
Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP)
Clinical Translational Research Award
Supports translational research addressing high impact or unmet needs in ovarian cancer. Supports correlative studies related to or associated with planned, ongoing, or completed clinical trials supported by other funding sources. Encourage the utilization of precision medicine and computational approaches that identify individual tumor characteristics and predictive biomarkers across diverse groups to optimize patient care and outcomes.
- Preliminary data are required.
- Clinical trials are not allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): April 30, 2020
Invited Application: July 30, 2020
Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Supports high-impact research that addresses a critical need and has the potential to make an important contribution to ovarian cancer or patient/survivor care. Impact is an important review criterion.
- Preliminary data are required.
- Clinical trials are not allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): April 30, 2020
Invited Application: July 30, 2020
Ovarian Cancer Academy Award - Early-Career Investigator
Supports the addition of new Early-Career Investigators to the unique, interactive virtual academy providing intensive mentoring, national networking, and a peer group for junior faculty. Early-Career Investigators whose ability to commit to conducting ovarian cancer research is limited by lack of resources or other overwhelming obstacles are encouraged to apply. A Designated Mentor who is an experienced ovarian cancer researcher with ovarian cancer funding is required.
- The Designated Mentor is not required to be at the same institution as the Early-Career Investigator.
- Preliminary data are required.
- Clinical trials are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): April 30, 2020
Invited Application: July 30, 2020
Pilot Award
Supports the exploration of innovative concepts or theories in ovarian cancer that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will drive the field forward. Innovation and Impact are important review criteria.
- Goal is to develop preliminary data; thus, preliminary data are not required, but are allowed.
- Clinical trials are not allowed
Required/Blinded Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): April 30, 2020
Invited Application: July 30, 2020
Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)
Virtual Cancer Center Director Award
Supports visionary individuals who are established cancer researchers with a strong record of mentoring and commitment to leadership. The PRCRP Virtual Cancer Center Director Award is an opportunity to establish a virtual cancer center focused on fostering the next generation of cancer researchers across the spectrum of cancers included under the PRCRP. Director, with Deputy Director, will oversee an interactive virtual cancer center of early-career investigators (Scholars) and their designated career guides, facilitate regular interactive communication among all members, and assess research progress and career progression of the Scholars.
- Goal is to develop preliminary data; thus, preliminary data are not required, but are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 20, 2020
Career Development Award - Fellow Option
Supports independent, early-career investigators to conduct impactful research with the mentorship of an experienced cancer researcher. Previous nominal career development funding. A Career Guide – an experienced cancer researcher with cancer funding – is required. The Career Guide is not required to be at the same institution as the Fellow. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data are not required.
- Clinical trials are not allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 20, 2020
Career Development Award – Virtual Cancer Center Scholar Option
Supports the addition of new early-career investigators (Scholars) to the unique, interactive virtual cancer center focused on fostering the next generation of cancer researchers. The Scholar will be required to interact within the virtual cancer center and with the Cancer Center Director and Deputy Director. The Scholar Option provides intensive mentoring, national networking, and a peer group for junior faculty. Scholars must demonstrate significant accomplishments. A Career Guide – an experienced cancer researcher with cancer funding – is required. The Career Guide is not required to be at the same institution as the Scholar. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data are not required.
- Clinical trials are not allowed
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 20, 2020
Idea Award
Supports innovative, untested, high-risk/potentially high-reward concepts, theories, paradigms, and/or methods in cancer research relevant to Service members, their families, and other military beneficiaries. Emphasis on innovation and military health/impact. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data are not required.
- Clinical trials are not allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Invited Application: August 27, 2020
Impact Award
Supports hypothesis-driven, high-impact research. Encourages applications that support research projects or ideas that specifically focus on critical scientific and clinical cancer issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact on one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data are not required.
- Clinical trials are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 27, 2020
Behavioral Health Science Award
Supports innovative research and high-reward studies that span the spectrum of behavioral health science including prevention, quality of life, symptom management, resilience, and psychosocial issues related to cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data may be required if proposing a pilot clinical trial.
- Pilot clinical trials are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 27, 2020
Behavioral Health Science Award
Supports innovative research and high-reward studies that span the spectrum of behavioral health science including prevention, quality of life, symptom management, resilience, and psychosocial issues related to cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas.
- Preliminary data may be required if proposing a pilot clinical trial.
- Pilot clinical trials are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 27, 2020
Translational Team Science Award
Emphasizes multi-PI, multidisciplinary collaborations. Supports translational studies associated with an ongoing or completed clinical trial that can lead to a future clinical trial or clinical application in cancer research relevant to Service members, their families, and other military beneficiaries. Not intended to support high throughput screenings, sequencing, etc. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Topic Areas. Must address at least one of the FY20 PRCRP Military Health Focus Areas
- Preliminary data are required.
- Clinical Trials are allowed.
Required Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): July 30, 2020
Application: August 27, 2020
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP)
Early Investigator Research Award
Supports research opportunities focused on prostate cancer for individuals in the early stages of their careers. PIs must have a designated mentor who is an experienced prostate cancer researcher. Must address at least one of the FY20 PCRP Overarching Challenges.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): June 4, 2020
Application: June 18, 2020
Physician Research Award
Supports a mentored research experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties for careers in prostate cancer research. PIs must demonstrate a commitment to a career at the forefront of prostate cancer research and clinical practice. PIs must have a designated mentor with an established research program in prostate cancer. Must address at least one of the FY20 PCRP Overarching Challenges Preliminary data are required. Clinical Trials are allowed.
Pre-Application (Letter of Intent): June 4, 2020
Application: June 18, 2020
Coming Soon:
Melanoma Research Program
Kidney Cancer Research Program