On March 27,
Richard G. Baraniuk from Rice Univ., will present
Going Off the Deep End with Deep Learning for the Friday afternoon Keck Seminar.
All remaining Keck Seminars will be moving to complete remote delivery for the remainder of the spring semester. Seminars will be held from 4-5 pm CST Fridays, as usual. To watch the livestream seminar, go to
https://riceuniversity.zoom.us. Click “Join a Meeting”. Enter the meeting ID:481 691 1620. It is
important to remember to
Mute your Microphone. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the presentation and you can submit questions using the 'Chat' feature.
Upcoming seminars include:
April 3: 2019 Keck Annual Research Conference-Poster Winners
Willie Hsu, UT Medical Branch at Galveston
Melinda Engevik, Baylor College of Medicine
Matthew Ykema, Rice University
A full schedule can be
found here.