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NASA Looking for Master/PhD STEM student Research Projects

Jan 9, 2020, 10:40 AM by Melodi Moore


Office of STEM Engagement

The NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSE) opened a call for graduate research proposals on December 23, 2019. The NASA Research Announcement (NRA) NNH20ZHA001N: NASA Fellowship Activity 2020 is seeking student-authored and independently conceived graduate research proposals responding to a NASA Research Opportunity listed in the solicitation. The 2020 NASA Fellowship Activity is designed to support OSE objectives and provide academic institutions the ability to enhance graduate-level learning and development. The program details and requirements are outlined in the solicitation document.

To be eligible to submit a proposal, candidates must be U.S. citizens or a national who hold a bachelor's degree in a STEM field earned before Aug. 31, 2020. Candidates must be enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral degree program no later than Sept. 1, 2020, and intend to pursue a research-based Master’s or Ph.D. program in a NASA-relevant field.

The NASA Fellowship Activity is an institutional award that provides financial support towards the development and training of graduate researchers. It leverages the capabilities of academic research institutions and professional development components, designed to provide experiences that enhance the fellows with NASA’s best and promising practices for STEM workforce development. 

Those selected will work at their institution with a Faculty Adviser to develop a proposal that is relevant to Mission Directorate priorities in collaboration with the NASA Technical Adviser.  If a NASA Training Grant is awarded, the
Faculty Adviser serves as the PI under the awarded grant.

Proposals are due February 21, 2020.

More information about this, plus slides from a pre-proposal teleconference can be found at NASA Fellowship Activity 2020 and the NASA Fellowship and Scholarship website