A Collaboration of Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, University of Houston, University of Texas Health Science Center,
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Institute of Biosciences & Technology of Texas A&M Health Science Center
Looking for a particular piece of equipment?
Did you know that the GCC has a Shared Equipment and Resource Committee (SERC) composed of the Directors/Leaders in equipment inventory and acquisition from each of the GCC institutions? If you are looking for a particular piece of equipment, please email Suzanne Tomlinson, and the committee members will work together to try to locate it and introduce you to the PI who owns/administers it.
Click to view GCC Shared Core Facilities
Keck Seminar, Jan. 31
Anne Churchland, Associate Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, in conjunction with GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience (TCN) Conference, will present Movements Decisions and Wholistic Behavior. Upcoming seminars include: Eric Wagner, Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston (2/7); Sheereen Majd, Assistant Professor, University of Houston (2/21); and Yubin Zhou, Center for Translational Cancer Research, Inst of Biosciences & Technology, Texas A&M University (2/28). Seminar at 4pm. Networking and refreshments will follow at 5pm, BioScience Research Collaborative, 280, 6500 Main St. Seminars are free and open to the public. Keck Seminar Schedule.
IDDD Round Table Workshop on Therapeutic Antibody Discovery and Development, January 9
We invite you to join us for the January Roundtable Workshop which will highlight therapeutic antibody discovery. Additionally, you will learn about local available resources in this area as well as latest advances in the field. Confirmed speakers Ross Chambers, VP of Antibody Discovery, Integral Molecular and Zhiqiang An, UTHealth will speak on “Overcoming the Challenges of Antibody Discovery Against Multipass Membrane Proteins,” and “Antibody Drug Discovery: Challenges and Opportunities,” respectively. When you register, you will have the opportunity to submit questions that you would like for the speakers to address during the interactive round-table discussion that will follow their presentations. The event will take place in BRC 1003 from 3:00-6:00 with networking reception following. Registration will be limited to 70.
3rd Annual Texas Medical Center Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Stewardship, January 22-24, 2020
We invite you to REGISTER early for this exciting conference. Confirmed speakers include Helen Boucher, Tufts University; William Shafer, Emory University; David Greenberg, UT Southwestern; Ryan Shields, University of Pittsburgh; Brian Werth, University of Washington; David van Duin, University of N. Carolina; Vance Fowler, Duke Univ.; Sara Cosgrove, Johns Hopkins; Victor Nizet, University of California San Diego; Edgar Sherman, Emory Univ.; Ying Taur, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Andy Koh, UT Southwestern; Cindy Sears, Johns Hopkins; Chris Evans, Tennessee Dept. of Health; Chanu Rhee, Harvard Medical School; Kim Blumenthal, Harvard Medical School; Lilian Abbo, University of Miami; Anna Konovalova, UTHealth; Anthony Flores, UTHealth; Natasha Kirienko, Rice University; Gerald Bills, UTHealth; Ashok Chopra, UTMB; Julian Hurdle, IBT; Lynn Zechiedrich, BCM; Adriana Rosato, HMRI; Eric Brown, UTHealth; Sheldon Kaplan, TCH; Sam Shelburne, MDA; Isaam Raad, MDA; Luis Ostrosky, UTHealth; Luis Vega, UTHealth; Jourdan Andersson, BCM; Kevin Garey, UH; Christy Su, Memorial Hermann; Ed Septimus, Harvard and TAMU; Chase Janak, HMRI; Mandelin Cooper, HCA Healthcare; Dan Musher, BCM; Carol Baker, UTHealth; Flor Munoz, TCH; and Robert Atmar, BCM. For more information and sponsorship opportunities, see CONFERENCE WEBSITE.
Save the Date: NeuroNex Workshop, January 30, 2020
Co-sponsored by the GCC Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Consortium, this workshop will take place in the BioScience Research Collaborative, Room 280. Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor; Ken Miller, Columbia University; Alex Huk, University of Texas at Austin; Ann Hermundstad, Janelia Research Campus, HHMI. REGISTRATION
Save the Date: 17th Annual Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Conference, January 31, 2020
Confirmed speakers include Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Tahra Eissa, University of Colorado, Boulder; Ann Hermundstad, Janelia Research Campus; Alex Huk, UT Austin; Jeffery Magge, Baylor College of Medicine; Thomas McHugh, Riken Center for Brain Science and Ken Miller, Columbia University. Conference website Registration
IDDD Round Table Workshop on Medicinal Chemistry in Lead Optimization, February 6
We invite you to join us for the February Roundtable Workshop which will focus on medicinal chemistry in lead optimization. Additionally, you will learn about local available resources in this area as well as latest advances in the field. Confirmed speakers include Andy Phillips, President and CEO of C4 Therapeutics; Scott Gilbertson, Professor of Chemistry at Univ. of Houston, and Michael Soth, Medicinal Chemistry Institute Group Leader at the Institute for Applied Cancer Science (IACS) at MD Anderson. When you register, you will have the opportunity to submit questions that you would like for the speakers to address during the interactive round-table discussion that will follow their presentations. The event will take place in BRC 1003 from 3:00-6:00 with networking reception following. Registration will be limited to 70.
Save the Date: 3rd Annual GCC Mental Health Research Conference, March 31
Please mark your calendar for this exciting event that will highlight advances in Mental Health Research in the region and across the nation. Confirmed keynote, Joshua Gordon, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) will discuss priorities and funding opportunities. Stay tuned for updates. Conference website Registration
Save the Date: 1st Annual GCC Single Cell Omics Symposium, April 7
Confirmed speaker: Stephen Quake, Stanford. Stay tuned for more information.
Save the Date: Next Generation Pain Therapeutics from Basic Science to the Clinic, April 13-15
We invite you to join us for the 10th Anniversary Conference of our Translational Pain Research Consortium. Keynote speaker, Walter Koroshetz, Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) will discuss NINDS priorities and opportunities, including those related to the HEAL initiative. Registration will be limited to 375. Stay tuned to the conference website for more information.
Save the Date: 2nd Annual Innovative Drug Discovery and Development Conference, May 11-12
Please save the date for this exciting conference and stay tuned for speaker updates. Confirmed speakers include James Inglese, NIH/NCATS; Larry Sklar, UNM; Anne Carpenter, Broad Institute; and John Joslin, Genomics Institute of Novartis. Stay tuned for updates. Conference website Registration