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NSF Issues Guidelines for Resumption of Operation

Feb 1, 2019, 15:47 PM by Melodi Moore
NSF Logo_2019
 After emerging from a 35-day funding lapse in appropriations and shutdown of the agency, the National Science Foundation is providing guidance for both the proposer and awardee community regarding the initial resumption of operations.  This guidance addresses the impact on existing deadline dates including an updated table addressing specific Dear Colleague Letters.  Also addressed is the Proposal Review Process, Processing Time and the Issuance of New Grants.  

Post Award issues addressed include Performance of Work during the shutdown.  Awardees were authorized to continue performance under their NSF awards to the extent that funds were available, and the term of the grant or cooperative agreement had not expired. During the lapse, as always, any expenses incurred were required to be necessary for performance of the work and allowable in accordance with 2 CFR § 200, Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards.  Payments were reinstated on January 28, 2019.

All required reports were expected to be submitted during the shutdown as was always available.  Reports submitted during that time will be reviewed and acted upon as early as practicable, with priority being given to awards with a contingent CGI due to be awarded.  The same policy is applicable for  no-cost extension, award transfer, supplemental funding request and other post award notifications.