Currently, anyone at UTMB conducting research involving human subjects and IRB review is required to complete training through the CITI Program online training system. Recently, the Good Clinical Practice course has been activated and researchers can complete the mandatory GCP training through this module.
Now, in addition, UTMB has activated the Responsible Conduct of Research training through CITI and made it available to UTMB researchers. Also, watch for a course to be added about the changes to the Common Rule.
If you already have a CITI account, you will be able to add either course to your assignments. If you do not already have a CITI account, you will need to create the account and complete any required courses before adding optional trainings.
To view tutorials about using CITI, creating your account or assigning optional trainings available, please visit and look for the CITI Tutorials.
If you have any questions regarding your CITI training, contact the Research Education group at 409-266-9432.