The following opportunities are NOW OPEN from the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) through the Department of Defense (DoD)
FY18 Military Performance Optimization Research Award (MPORA)
Pre-Application (Preproposal): April 11, 2018
Preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.
Application: July 25, 2018
The FY18 Clinical Research Intramural Initiative (CRII) MPORA will support research addressing one or more of the following Focus Areas:
• Physical Performance Optimization: Develop and validate strategies and interventions to assess, preserve, and optimize Service member physical performance and resilience.
• Cognitive Performance Optimization: Develop and validate strategies and interventions to assess, preserve, and optimize Service member cognitive performance and resilience throughout the military lifecycle.
• Injury Prevention and Reduction: Develop and validate injury prevention and reduction strategies and interventions to preserve operational readiness and optimal performance DoD FY18 CRII Military Performance Optimization Research Award 4 throughout the military lifecycle with a focus on the development and delivery of prevention/ optimization strategies and interventions for rapid reset and recovery under high operational tempo (OPTEMPO) conditions.
• Deployment Health Protection: Develop and validate standards and tools for monitoring health, readiness, and operational effectiveness of Service members exposed to extreme operational environments (e.g., heat, cold, altitude, potentially traumatic events, toxic industrial chemicals and materials) during deployment. Outcomes of health, readiness, and operational effectiveness monitoring should be focused on the development of mitigation