Total All Years
Allen, John Arthur
Center for Addiction Research
Small Molecule Discovery and Target Validation for Striatal Human Orphan Receptors
PhRMA Foundation
$ 100,000
Beasley, David W
Microbiology And Immunology
Repeat Testing of CO-AAU63 in West Nile Virus Mouse Model
Rio Tech ChemOvation Limited
$ 1,650
Fofanov, Yuriy
Algorithms and Software Development for the Analysis of High Throughput Sequencing Data
Industrial Metagenomics
$ 48,229
Garg, Nisha Jain
Microbiology And Immunology
Oxidative Response Networks in Chagasic Cardiomyopathy
National Inst of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
$ 2,376,391
Geisbert, Thomas W
Microbiology And Immunology
Preclinical Development of a Thermostable Trivalent Filovirus Vaccine
University of Hawaii at Manoa (federal flow through from NIAID)
$ 1,278,078
Geisbert, Thomas W
Microbiology And Immunology
Preclinical Evaluation of a Potent Lassa Fever Immunotherapeutic Antibody Cocktail
Tulane University Medical Center (federal flow through from NIAID)
$ 2,815,283
Geisbert, Thomas W
Microbiology And Immunology
Structure-based Design of Novel Lassa Virus Glycoproteins for Vaccine Development
Tulane University Medical Center (federal flow through from NIAID)
$ 1,557,561
Gugala, Zbigniew
Orthopaedic Surgery
Prevention and Treatment of Neuroma and Induction of New Nerve Growth
Baylor College of Medicine (flow through from Department of Army)
$ 224,874
Huda, Ruksana
Microbiology & Immunology
Target specific antibody-siRNA conjugate therapy for experimental myasthenia
$ 432,974
Kayed, Rakez
Myocardial Tauopathy: a New Pathogenesis and Treatment for Heart Disease
Medical University of South Carolina (flow through from American Heart Association)
$ 336,000
Keiser, Philip
Internal Med-Infectious Diseases
AIDS United - HIV Organizations Impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma (Hurricane Relief funding)
Elton John AIDS Foundation
$ 15,000
Kramer, George C
A portable closed-loop fluid resuscitation system to promote critical care and warfighter survivability in the prolonged field care environment
TheraNova, LLC (federal flow through from Department of Defense)
$ 285,980
Krishnan, Balaji
Inhibition of Phospholipase D1 in Abeta-driven related memory deficits
Alzheimer's Association
$ 150,008
Liu, Zhiqing
Drug Discovery of BRD4 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
$ 174,735
Marlin IV, Robert Ossian
Medical Branch Library
Digitizing the Charles A. Berry, M.D. History of Space Medicine Collections
Texas State Library and Archives Commission (federal flow through from Institute of Museum and Library Sciences)
$ 25,000
Internal Med-Infectious Diseases
Mechanisms of Parasite Dissemination in Visceral Leishmaniasis
National Inst of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
$ 2,759,093
Internal Med-Infectious Diseases
Training of Physician for Global Infectious Diseases Research
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
$ 30,000
Menachery, Vineet
Microbiology And Immunology
Systems Immunogenetics of Biodefense Pathogens in the Collaborative Cross
University of N Carolina at Chapel Hill (federal flow through from NIAID)
$ 442,680
Morais, Marc C
Biochemistry & Molecular Bio
The DNA Packaging Motor of Bacteriophage phi29
University of Minnesota (flow through from NIGMS)
$ 1,025,363
Oberhauser, Andres F
Neuroscience, Cell Biology. & Anatomy
The Molecular Mechanisms of Polycystin-1 Proteolytic Cleavage in Kidney Health and Polycystic Kidney Disease
University of Maryland (federal flow through from NIDDK)
$ 492,155
Pappadis, Monique Renae
Rehabilitation Sciences
Texas TBI Model System of TIRR
TIRR Memorial Hermann (federal flow through from NIDILRR)
$ 98,848
Powers, William Edward
Clinical Research Opportunities in Space Medicine (CROSM)
Baylor College of Medicine (federal flow through from NASA)
$ 450,000
Prochaska, John
Sealy Cntr Environ Hlth/Med
Science Take-Out kits for Environmental Health Education
University of Rochester NY (federal flow through from NIEHS)
$ 39,995
Randolph, Amanda
Internal Medicine-Geriatrics
Advanced Glycation End-products, Exercise, and Sarcopenia
National Inst on Aging
$ 148,715
Rossi, Shannan L
Microbiology And Immunology
Vector-Borne Viruses Repository Materials for Public Health Actionable Assay (PHAA) Validation
Texas AgriLife Research (federal flow through from Department of Homeland Security)
$ 199,998
Rudra,Jai Simha
Immunomodulatory Effects of Heterochiral Biomaterials
National Inst of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
$ 1,955,567
Saade, George
Ob/Gyn-Perinatal Research
Pulmonary Complications in a Birth Cohort after a Randomized Trial of Antenatal Corticosteroids: the ALPS Follow-Up Study (ALPS FSP)
George Washington University (federal flow through NHLBI)
$ 16,577
Sherman, Michael
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS)
Sandia National Laboratories (federal flow through from Department of Energy)
$ 18,337
Stephens, Robin
Internal Med-Infectious Diseases
The Germinal Center and T cell help in Three Phases of Clearance of Plasmodium
National Inst of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
$ 1,962,449
Taglialatela, Giulio
Mechanisms of Resilience to Alzheimer's Disease Neuropathology
National Institute on Aging
$ 725,531
Temple, Jeffrey R
Ob/Gyn - Behav Health & Rsrch
Causeway Galveston: A SEL Model for Galveston
Galveston ISD (private flow through from The Menninger Clinic)
$ 37,526
Tseng, Chien-Te K
Microbiology And Immunology
Broad-spectrum antiviral GS-5734 to treat MERS-CoV and related emerging CoV
University of N Carolina at Chapel Hill (federal flow through from NIAID)
$ 775,000
Vincent, Kathleen Listiak
Ob-Gyn Gynecology
Assessment of subcutaneous implants releasing ARV's in sheep
Oak Crest Institute of Science
$ 18,108
Wagner, Eric John
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
3' UTR Shortening in Pulmonary Vascular Disease
University of Texas Hlth Sci Ctr-Houston (federal flow through from NHLBI)
$ 137,547
Walker, David H
Gene Expression Associated with Tick Immunity and Ehrilchial Biology in the Tick Host
ConTex - University of Texas System
$ 127,500
Watowich, Stanley J
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Therapeutic development of novel orally-bioavailable small molecules to treat muscular dystrophies and sarcopenia
Sanofi US Services Inc
$ 125,000
Wold, Eric A
Center for Addiction Research
5-HT2C Receptor PAMs as Neurotherapeutics for Cocaine Use Disorder
National Inst on Drug Abuse
$ 96,549