The US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) is a major subordinate Command of the US Army Medical Command. The Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Research Program (CRMRP), a Program Area Directorate within the USAMRMC, is responsible for planning, programming, budgeting and execution oversight of biomedical research programs to develop knowledge and materiel products to reconstruct, rehabilitate, and provide definitive care for injured Service members. The CRMRP is organizing a Regenerative Medicine Stakeholders Meeting to be held on April 11 – 12, 2018 in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The CRMRP expects to receive appropriations in the future specifically to advance the science and product development in regenerative medicine.
The objective of the stakeholder meeting is for CRMRP to gain an understanding of the current state of regenerative medicine science from various perspectives and to identify gaps related to regenerating lost or damage tissue resulting from service related injuries. The information gathered from the discussions will be utilized to facilitate the development of the program’s goals and objectives, and potential future award mechanisms.
This notification serves to determine interest in the stakeholder meeting and identify potential invitees. Due to space constraints, the number of attendees at the stakeholders meeting is limited to 300 government and non-government personnel. Formal meeting invitations will be extended to those selected for attendance. Invitations will be limited to subject matter experts from industry and academia. No more than two attendees will be invited from any organization and will be issued on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in participating in the regenerative medicine stakeholder meeting please email, providing the names of interested attendees and their expertise in regenerative medicine. Please respond with your interest by 15 March 2018.
Participation or non-participation in this Stakeholder Meeting will not impact your eligibility to apply to any future funding opportunity announcements in this area of research.