During their meeting on August 16, 2017, the CPRIT Oversight Committee approved release of proposed changes to current agency rules for public comment.
The proposed amendments affect Texas Administrative Code Chapter 703 related to grantee record retention requirements and prohibited payments to subcontractors.
The proposed amendments were published in the September 1st edition of the Texas Register and are also available on the CPRIT website, which may be viewed at Proposed Changes to Texas Administrative Code Title 25, Chapter 703.
Written comments about the proposed rule changes should be submitted to CPRIT no later than October 2, 2017. Written comments may be sent to Ms. Kristen Doyle, CPRIT’s General Counsel, by email (
kdoyle@cprit.texas.gov); by fax (512-475-2563); or by mail addressed to the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas, P.O. Box 12097, Attn: Rulemaking Project, Austin, Texas, 78711.