21st Annual Forum on Aging Poster Session - Save the Date
Aug 3, 2017,
09:11 AM
Melodi Moore
Thursday, October 19, 2017
5 - 7 pm
Levin Hall Dining Room
Sponsored by
The Sealy Center on Aging
Research Services
All UTMB faculty, staff, post-docs, and students are invited.
Refreshments will be served.
The Forum on Aging informs gerontology researchers as well as the UTMB community in general about the aging research going on at UTMB. Learn more about resources available from the Sealy Center on Aging and Research Services at this event. Monetary awards for best student and post-doctoral posters will be given. Awards are sponsored by the Sealy Center on Aging and Sigma Xi.
In an effort to be environmentally and fiscally conscientious, we’re encouraging attendees to utilize the electronic version of the program found at the forum website: https://www.utmb.edu/scoa/forum/.
*We will have a limited number of paper copies available at the event.*
The program can also be found by scanning the QR code:
