NIH Paylines and Success Rates 2017 Aug 1, 2017, 12:26 PM by Melissa Harman NIH just updated paylines on May 23, 2017 and the following are those updates: INSTITUTE SUCCESS RATE FY2016 PAYLINE (2016) PAYLINE (2017) FURTHER INFORMATION. (CLICK LINK FOR INSTITUTE’S CURRENT FUNDING STRATEGY) FIC 29.5 Payline not published-anticipates 10-25% success rate/FY2017 Continuing Resolution Funding Strategy NCATS 27.7 Payline not published/FY2017 Continuing Resolution NCCIH 13.9 FY 2017 Funding Strategy (Continuing Resolution) NCI 12 10 12 for New & Early Stage-Investigators. 2016 funding plan NEI 25.7 25% anticipated award rate. Payline not published/FY2017 Fiscal Policy NHGRI 25.6 Does not establish Paylines/FY2016 Funding Strategy NHLBI 24.2 14 15 25 for Early Stage Investigators/ FY 2017 Funding Strategy (CR) NIA 22.8 11**** FY 2016 Funding Strategy (under 500K: 19-new investigators; 21-early stage investigators)****Significantly higher paylines for applications focusing on Alzheimer’s Disease. Follow link for details. NIAAA 18.8 Does not establish overall Paylines/ FY 2016 Financial Management Plan NIAID 24 10 11 Payline for FY2017 (Funding Strategy) 15 payline for new & early-stage investigators. NIAMS 16 13 10 Continuous Resolution Funding Strategy for 2017 (new investigators: 18) NIBIB 14.6 14 (New Investigators: up to 28) /FY 2016 Funding Strategy NICHD 13.2 10 FY 2017 Funding Strategy-interim NIDA 15.4 Payline not published/FY2016 Funding Strategy NIDCD 26.7 Payline not published/ FY2016 Funding Strategy NIDCR 19.9 Payline not published/ FY2017 Funding Strategy NIDDK 20.1 13 FY2017 Interim Funding Strategy NIEHS 14.2 10 2016 Funding Strategy NIGMS 29.6 Payline not published/ FY2017 Funding Strategy (Continuing Resolution) NIMH 22.9 10-20 10-20 FY2017 Funding Strategy (25 for new and ESI) NIMHD 19.3 FY2016 Funding Strategy NINDS 19.8 15 FY2017 Funding Strategy (anticipates a success rate of 20%) NINR 9 Payline not published/not updated